Financial Reports/Q1 2024

From Resonite Wiki
This page contains changes which are not marked for translation.

Presented at the Resonite Recap stream on May 3rd 2024[1], was our first financial report for Q1 2024.

Pie Chart

Some artistic license was applied to the wording and presentation of this pie chart for its use here on the wiki.

The rendering of pie charts here is better on our dark theme, see this issue for more information.
68%14%5%5%4%3%1%Payroll [51912]Cost of Sales(COS) [10290]Cost of Good Sold(COGS) [4013]Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization(EBIDA) [3784]Legal and Accounting [3275]Cost of Marketing(COM) [2525]Miscellaneous operating expenses [400]



Category Dollar Value($) %
Payroll $51,912 68.1%
Cost of Sales(COS) $10,290 13.5%
Cost of Marketing(COM) $2,525 3.3%
Cost of Goods Sold(COGS) $4,013 5.3%
Legal & Accounting $3,275 4.3%
Miscellaneous Operating Expenses $400 0.5%
Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization(EBIDA) $3,784 5.0%
Total Gross Revenue $76,199 N/A



When reading this report, you may have some questions about terminology. This section is here to answer those questions.


Yellow Dog Man Studios, aims to pay all of it's team a fair salary directly into their bank account. This is what this number refers to. This is real currency, from your contributions going directly into team member's accounts.

Some members of the team have waived a salary for 2024, but we hope to review this for 2025 and beyond.

The exact amount each team member is paid, will not be provided.

COS (Cost of Sales)

This item, generally refers to fees that payment providers and other tools charge us to use them. For example Patreon's cut of your Patreon contribution.

COM (Cost of Marketing)

How much money we're spending on things like advertising, promotion etc.

COGS (Cost of Goods Sold)

This in our case generally refers to the operating expenses of the business, but is scoped to operating expenses that "keep the lights on". Our Servers, Cloud Infrastructure etc are all in this category.

Legal & Accounting

Running a company is complex, we pay both a Financial/Accounting company and a Law firm to help us with these complex issues. Their costs are shown here.


Anything that doesn't really fit into other categories. If there are regular costs in this category we make make additional categories.

EBITDA (Profits)

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization.

This is basically our Gross Profit, after expenses but before interest, taxes etc.


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 Resonite Recap (May 3rd, 2024) on YouTube