Module:Test: Difference between revisions

From Resonite Wiki
mNo edit summary
mNo edit summary
Line 3: Line 3:
local p = {}
local p = {}

-- Type colors - RGB values to be included in the HTML output when a color is needed. This will be replaced with CSS at some point.
local ProtofluxColor = require("Module:ProtoFlux_Type_Color")
local typeColor =  
local css = {
User = '255, 128, 255',
root = function(self, rows)
Impulse = '179, 255, 255',
return string.format("color: rgb(224, 224, 224); background-color: rgb(18, 20, 28); width: 256px; display: grid; grid-template-columns: [input] 30px [label] 1fr [output] 30px [end]; grid-template-rows: 80px repeat(%s, 35px 35px) 60px;",
bool = '115, 115, 115',
AsyncImpulse = '204, 179, 255',
String = '245, 31, 31',
node_title = function(self, minimal, rows)
Dummy = '255, 0, 255',
if minimal then
IFormatProvider = '168, 143, 214',
return string.format("text-align:center; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18pt;  grid-column: label; grid-row: 1/%s; align-self: center;",
float = '0, 255, 255',
(rows * 2) + 3)
ColorProfile = '255, 196, 54',
colorX = '255, 89, 0',
return "padding: 10px 0px 10px 0px; text-align:center; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(26, 41, 54); font-size: 18pt;  grid-column: input / end; grid-row: 1;"
Component = '112, 76, 85',
float3 = '0, 255, 255',
float2 = '0, 255, 255',
node_footer = "text-align: center; padding: 10px; font-size: 18pt; color: rgb(64,64,64); font-weight: bold;",
    ulong = '0, 255, 127',
connector_row = "display: flex; min-height: 70px;",
    int = '0, 255, 0',
connector_row_labels = "flex-grow: 2; overflow: visible; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; order: 2;",
    Continuation = '255, 255, 178',
multi_button = "font-size: 1.75rem; width: 1em; height: 1em; background-color: #2c2f35; border-radius: 2em; "
    Slot = '191, 255, 127',
.. "display:flex; align-items:center; justify-content: center;",
WebsocketClient = '191, 242, 176'
multi_bar = function(self, is_input, multi)
return string.format(
"background-color: white; opacity: 0.5; width: 6px; height: %spx; position: absolute; bottom: 40px; %s: 13px;",
70 * (multi - 2) + 50,
is_input and "left" or "right"
label = "text-overflow: ellipsis; border-bottom: 4px solid #11151d; border-top: 4px solid #11151d; ",
label_multi = "font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.4rem; line-height: 1;",
input_label = function(self, color, is_multi)
if is_multi then color = nil end
return string.format(
.."text-align: left; overflow: %s; padding-left: 4px; border-right: 20px solid #11151d; "
.."background-color: %s;%s",
color and "hidden" or "visible",
color and ColorToCss(MultA(color, 0.6)) or "transparent",
is_multi and " "..self.label_multi or ""
output_label = function(self, color, is_multi)
if is_multi then color = nil end
return string.format(
.."text-align: right; overflow: %s; padding-right: 4px; border-left: 20px solid #11151d; "
.."background-color: %s;%s",
color and "hidden" or "visible",
color and ColorToCss(MultA(color, 0.6)) or "transparent",
is_multi and " "..self.label_multi or ""
attachment_point = function(self, color, order)
return string.format(
"width: 30px; background-color: black; fill: %s; stroke: %s; order: %s;",
ColorToCss(MultA(color, 0.15)),
global = function(self, color)
return string.format(
"display: flex; min-height: 70px; flex-direction: column; border-left: 10px solid %s;",
global_input = "border-radius: 16px; text-align: center; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center;"

Line 33: Line 78:
local outputs = mw.text.jsonDecode(frame.args.Outputs or '[]')
local outputs = mw.text.jsonDecode(frame.args.Outputs or '[]')
local globals = mw.text.jsonDecode(frame.args.Globals or '[]')
local globals = mw.text.jsonDecode(frame.args.Globals or '[]')
local minimal = frame.args.Minimal
-- Create an HTML div element to contain our node UI
local protofluxContainer = mw.html.create( 'div' )
    :attr('class', frame.args.Inline and '' or 'floatright')
:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the node title
:cssText(css.node_title(mimimal, maxRows))
:done() -- Close node title div
local processedInputs = {}
local processedInputs = {}
local processedOutputs = {}
local processedOutputs = {}
for i=1,#inputs do
for i=1,#inputs do
for j=1,(inputs and inputs[i].Multi or 1) do
local multi = tonumber(inputs[i] and inputs[i].Multi or 1)
for j=1,multi do
inputs[i].MultiIndex = j
inputs[i].MultiIndex = j
table.insert(processedInputs, { Name=inputs[i].Name, Type=inputs[i].Type, Multi=inputs[i].Multi, MultiIndex=j })
table.insert(processedInputs, { Name=inputs[i].Name, Type=inputs[i].Type, Multi=multi, MultiIndex=j })
for i=1,#outputs do
for i=1,#outputs do
for j=1,(outputs and outputs[i].Multi or 1) do
local multi = tonumber(outputs[i] and outputs[i].Multi or 1)
outputs[i].MultiIndex = j
for j=1,multi do
table.insert(processedOutputs, { Name=outputs[i].Name, Type=outputs[i].Type, Multi=outputs[i].Multi, MultiIndex=j })
table.insert(processedOutputs, { Name=outputs[i].Name, Type=outputs[i].Type, Multi=multi, MultiIndex=j })
Line 54: Line 110:
local maxRows = math.max(#processedInputs, #processedOutputs)
local maxRows = math.max(#processedInputs, #processedOutputs)
-- Create an HTML div element to contain our node UI
local protofluxContainer = mw.html.create( 'div' )
    :attr('class', frame.args.Inline and '' or 'floatright')
:cssText('color: rgb(224, 224, 224); background-color: rgb(18, 20, 28); width: 256px; display: grid; grid-template-columns: [input] 30px [label] 1fr [output] 30px [end]; grid-template-rows: 80px repeat(' .. maxRows ..', 35px 35px) 60px;')
if not minimal then
:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the node title
:cssText('padding: 10px 0px 10px 0px; text-align:center; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(26, 41, 54); font-size: 18pt;  grid-column: input / end; grid-row: 1;')
:done() -- Close node title div
:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the node title
:cssText('text-align:center; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18pt;  grid-column: label; grid-row: 1/'.. (maxRows * 2) + 3 ..'; align-self: center;')
:done() -- Close node title div
-- Iterate over each row, and populate it with the inputs/outputs. If the node is asymmetric,
-- Iterate over each row, and populate it with the inputs/outputs. If the node is asymmetric,
-- the value passed for either input or output might be nil.
-- the value passed for either input or output might be nil.
for i=1,maxRows do
for i=1,maxRows do
CreateConnectorRow(i, protofluxContainer, processedInputs[i], processedOutputs[i], minimal)
CreateConnectorRow(protofluxContainer, processedInputs[i], processedOutputs[i])
Line 82: Line 121:
-- of the node, and so don't need to be balanced in any way.
-- of the node, and so don't need to be balanced in any way.
for i=1,#globals do
for i=1,#globals do
--CreateGlobalsRow(protofluxContainer, globals[i])
CreateGlobalsRow(protofluxContainer, globals[i])
:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the node category footer
:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the node category footer
:cssText('text-align: center; padding: 10px; font-size: 18pt; color: rgb(64,64,64); font-weight: bold; grid-row:' .. ((maxRows * 2) + 2) .. '; grid-column: input/output')
:done() -- Close category footer div
:done() -- Close category footer div
Line 93: Line 132:
-- Return the HTML generated above to the wiki page this script is invoked from.
-- Return the HTML generated above to the wiki page this script is invoked from.
return tostring(protofluxContainer) .. '[[Category:ProtoFlux:All]]'
return tostring(protofluxContainer) .. '[[Category:ProtoFlux:All]]'
--- Creates a text which should be shown when hovering over a connector
-- @param Input Table containing a Name (optional) and Type for the input on this row.
function connector_hover_text(connector)
if connector.Name == nil then
return ("<%s>"):format(connector.Type)
return ("%s <%s>"):format(connector.Name, connector.Type)

--- Creates a new ProtoFlux connector row in the output
--- Creates a new ProtoFlux connector row in the output
-- @param Container The Scribunto HTML node we'll be creating this row inside of. Should be a container of some sort.
-- @param container The Scribunto HTML node we'll be creating this row inside of. Should be a container of some sort.
-- @param Input Table containing a Name and Type for the input on this row. Can be nil if no input is to be placed on this row.
-- @param input Table containing a Name and Type for the input on this row. Can be nil if no input is to be placed on this row.
-- @param Output Table containing a Name and Type for the output on this row. Can be nil if no output is to be placed on this row.
-- @param output Table containing a Name and Type for the output on this row. Can be nil if no output is to be placed on this row.
function CreateConnectorRow(Index, Container, Input, Output, Minimal)
function CreateConnectorRow(container, input, output)
local connector_row = container
:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the connector row. We specify a min-height of 70px for consistency.

local connector_row_labels = connector_row
-- Create the input (left) attachement point
:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the input and output labels in the connector row
CreateConnectorAttachmentPoint(Index * 2, Container, Input, true)
if input then
local color, is_impulse = GetColor(input)
local hover_text = connector_hover_text(input)

local c = Container
if input.Multi and input.MultiIndex > 1 then
if Minimal then
local label = connector_row_labels
if Input and Input.Multi and Input.MultiIndex == 1 then
:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the input label
:attr('title', Input and (Input.Name .. ' <' .. Input.Type .. '>') or '') -- Add a basic mouseover description
:cssText('text-align: left; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; padding-left: 4px;  border-right: 20px solid #11151d; border-bottom: 4px solid #11151d; border-top: 4px solid #11151d; background-color: transparent; grid-column: label; grid-row: ' .. (Index * 2) .. ';')
:wikitext(Input and Input.Name or '' )
:done() -- Close input label div
elseif Input and Input.Multi and Input.Multi == Input.MultiIndex  then
:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the input label
:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the input label
:attr('title', Input and (Input.Name .. ' <' .. Input.Type .. '>') or '') -- Add a basic mouseover description
:attr('title', hover_text) -- Add a basic mouseover description
:cssText('display:flex; gap: 4px; grid-column: label; grid-row: ' .. (Index * 2) .. ';')
if input.Multi == input.MultiIndex then
:cssText('font-size: 1.75rem; width: 1em; height: 1em; background-color:grey; border-radius: 2em; display:flex; align-items:center; justify-content:center;')
:cssText('font-size: 1.75rem; width: 1em; height: 1em; background-color:grey; border-radius: 2em; display:flex; align-items:center; justify-content:center;')
:cssText('position:relative; top:2rem; display: flex; gap: 4px;')
:cssText(css:multi_bar(true, input.Multi))
:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the input label
:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the input label
:attr('title', Input and (Input.Name .. ' <' .. Input.Type .. '>') or '') -- Add a basic mouseover description
:attr('title', hover_text) -- Add a basic mouseover description
:cssText('text-align: left; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; padding-left: 4px;  border-right: 20px solid #11151d; border-bottom: 4px solid #11151d; border-top: 4px solid #11151d; background-color:' .. GetTypeColor(Input, 0.6) .. '; grid-column: label; grid-row: ' .. (Index * 2) .. ';')
:cssText(css:input_label(color, input.Multi > 1))
:wikitext(Input and Input.Name or '' )
:wikitext(input.Name or '')
:done() -- Close input label div
:done() -- Close input label div
if Output and Output.Multi and Output.MultiIndex == 1 then
-- Create the input (left) attachement point
:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the output label
local segments = GetTypeSegments(input)
:attr('title', Output and (Output.Name .. ' <' .. Output.Type .. '>') or '') -- Add a basic mouseover description
CreateConnectorAttachmentPoint(connector_row, hover_text, color, segments, is_impulse, true)
:cssText('text-align: right; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; padding-right: 4px; border-left: 20px solid #11151d; border-bottom: 4px solid #11151d; border-top: 4px solid #11151d; background-color: transparent; grid-column: label; grid-row: ' .. (Index * 2) + 1 .. ';')
else -- if input
:wikitext(Output and Output.Name or '')
connector_row:tag("div"):cssText("width: 30px; order: 1;")
:done() -- Close output label div
elseif Output and Output.Multi and Output.Multi == Output.MultiIndex then
end -- if input
if output then
local color, is_impulse = GetColor(output)
local hover_text = connector_hover_text(output)
if output.Multi and output.MultiIndex > 1 then
local label = connector_row_labels
:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the output label
:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the output label
:attr('title', Output and (Output.Name .. ' <' .. Output.Type .. '>') or '') -- Add a basic mouseover description
:attr('title', hover_text) -- Add a basic mouseover description
:cssText('display:flex; justify-content: flex-end; gap: 4px; grid-column: label; grid-row: ' .. (Index * 2) + 1 .. ';')
if output.Multi == output.MultiIndex then
:cssText('font-size: 1.75rem; width: 1em; height: 1em; background-color:grey; border-radius: 2em; display:flex; align-items:center; justify-content:center;')
:cssText('position:relative; display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; gap: 4px;')
:cssText('font-size: 1.75rem; width: 1em; height: 1em; background-color:grey; border-radius: 2em; display:flex; align-items:center; justify-content:center;')
:cssText(css:multi_bar(false, output.Multi))
:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the output label
:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the output label
:attr('title', Output and (Output.Name .. ' <' .. Output.Type .. '>') or '') -- Add a basic mouseover description
:attr('title', hover_text) -- Add a basic mouseover description
:cssText('text-align: right; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; padding-right: 4px; border-left: 20px solid #11151d; border-bottom: 4px solid #11151d; border-top: 4px solid #11151d; background-color: ' .. GetTypeColor(Output, 0.6) .. '; grid-column: label; grid-row: ' .. (Index * 2) + 1 .. ';')
:cssText(css:output_label(color, output.Multi > 1))
:wikitext(Output and Output.Name or '')
:wikitext(output.Name or '')
:done() -- Close output label div
:done() -- Close output label div
-- Create the output (right) attachment point
-- Create the output (right) attachment point
CreateConnectorAttachmentPoint(Index * 2, Container, Output, false);
local segments = GetTypeSegments(output)
CreateConnectorAttachmentPoint(connector_row, hover_text, color, segments, is_impulse, false);
else -- if output
connector_row:tag("div"):cssText("width: 30px; order: 3;")
end -- if output

--- Creates a new ProtoFlux global input field row in the output
--- Creates a new ProtoFlux global input field row in the output
-- @param Container The Scribunto HTML node we'll be creating this row inside of. Should be a container of some sort.
-- @param container The Scribunto HTML node we'll be creating this row inside of. Should be a container of some sort.
-- @param Global Table containing a Name and Type for the global field on this row.
-- @param global Table containing a Name and Type for the global field on this row.
function CreateGlobalsRow(Container, Global)
function CreateGlobalsRow(container, global)
local color = GetTypeColor(global)
local hover_text = connector_hover_text(global)
:tag( 'div' )
:tag( 'div' )
:attr('title', Global.Name .. ' <' .. Global.Type .. '>') -- Add a basic mouseover description
:attr('title', hover_text) -- Add a basic mouseover description
:cssText('display: flex; min-height: 70px; flex-direction: column; border-left: 10px solid ' .. GetTypeColor(Global, 1.0) .. ';')
:tag( 'div' )
:tag( 'div' )
:cssText('display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; flex-grow:1; overflow: hidden;')
:cssText('display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; flex-grow:1; overflow: hidden;')
:tag( 'span' )
:tag( 'span' )
:cssText('text-align: center; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold; flex-grow:1;')
:cssText('text-align: center; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold; flex-grow:1;')
:tag( 'div' )
:tag( 'div' )
:attr('style', 'display:flex; gap: 10px; flex-grow: 1;')
:attr('style', 'display: flex; gap: 10px; flex-grow: 1;')
:cssText('border-radius: 16px; background-color: #777; font-style: italic; text-align:center; flex-grow: 3; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center;')
:cssText('background-color: #777; font-style: italic; flex-grow: 3; '..css.global_input)
:tag( 'span' )
:tag( 'span' )
:tag( 'div')
:tag( 'div' )
:cssText('border-radius: 16px; background-color: #333; text-align:center; flex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center;')
:cssText('background-color: #333; flex-grow: 1; '..css.global_input)
:tag ( 'span' )
:tag ( 'span' )
Line 200: Line 271:

--- Creates a new input or output attachement point for a connector row.
--- Creates a new input or output attachement point for a connector row.
-- @param Container The Scribunto HTML node we'll be creating this row inside of. Should be a container of some sort.
-- @param container The Scribunto HTML node we'll be creating this row inside of. Should be a container of some sort.
-- @param Connector Table containing a Name (Optional) and Type (Required) for the input/output attachment point.
--  @param hover_text Text to show when hovering, possibly nil
-- @param isInput True if this is an input side attachment point, false if it is an output side attachment point.
-- @param color The color of this attachment point (table with r, g, b, optionally a).
function CreateConnectorAttachmentPoint(Index, Container, Connector, isInput)
-- @param segments The number of segments for the type, used for vectors or matrices.
if Connector and (Connector.Type == "Impulse" or Connector.Type == "AsyncImpulse" or Connector.Type == "Continuation")  then
-- @param is_impulse True if this is an impulse, false if it is a data type.
-- @param is_input True if this is an input side attachment point, false if it is an output side attachment point.
:tag( 'div' )
function CreateConnectorAttachmentPoint(container, hover_text, color, segments, is_impulse, is_input)
:attr('title', Connector and (Connector.Name .. ' <' .. Connector.Type .. '>') or '') -- Add a basic mouseover description
local connector_type = nil
:cssText('background-color: black; fill: ' .. GetTypeColor(Connector, 0.3) .. '; stroke: ' .. GetTypeColor(Connector, 1.0) .. '; grid-column: ' .. (isInput and 'input' or 'output') .. '; grid-row: ' .. Index .. '/' .. Index + 2 .. ';')
if is_impulse then connector_type = "InputArrow"
:wikitext(mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate({title = 'ProtoFluxConnector', args = {Type="InputArrow"}}))
elseif is_input then connector_type = "InputBox"
else connector_type = "OutputBox"
:tag( 'div' )
:attr('title', hover_text or "") -- Add a basic mouseover description
:cssText(css:attachment_point(color, is_input and 1 or 3))
:wikitext(mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate({title = 'ProtoFluxConnector', args = {Type=connector_type, Segments=segments}}))

elseif Connector then
--- Returns a CSS color for the data type or impulse and whether the type is an impulse
-- @param connector Table containing a Name (Optional) and Type (Required) for the input/output.
:tag( 'div' )
function GetColor(connector)
:attr('title', Connector and (Connector.Name .. ' <' .. Connector.Type .. '>') or '') -- Add a basic mouseover description
if connector == nil then error("connector is nil") end
:cssText('background-color: black; fill: ' .. GetTypeColor(Connector, 0.3) .. '; stroke: ' .. GetTypeColor(Connector, 1.0) .. '; grid-column: ' .. (isInput and 'input' or 'output') .. '; grid-row: ' .. Index  .. '/' .. Index + 2 .. ';')
if connector == nil or connector.Type == nil then error("Missing Type") end
:wikitext(mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate({title = 'ProtoFluxConnector', args = {Type=(isInput and "InputBox" or "OutputBox")}}))
local color = ProtofluxColor.get_impulse_color(connector.Type)
if color ~= nil then
return color, true
return GetTypeColor(connector), false
--- Returns a CSS color for the data type
-- @param connector Table containing a Name (Optional) and Type (Required) for the input/output or global.
function GetTypeColor(connector)
if connector == nil then error("connector is nil") end
if connector == nil or connector.Type == nil then error("Missing Type") end
local color = ProtofluxColor.get_type_color(connector.Type)
return MultRGB(color, 1.5)
function MultRGB(color, fact)
return {
function MultA(color, fact)
return {
a=(color.a or 1)*fact,
function ColorToCss(color)
return ("rgba(%s,%s,%s,%s)"):format(color.r*255, color.g*255, color.b*255, color.a or 1)

--- Returns an RGBA value representing the type color within Resonite
local type_segments = {
-- @param Connector Table containing a Name (Optional) and Type (Required) for the input/output attachment point.
enabled = {
-- @param Alpha The alpha to use in the RGBA value.  
function GetTypeColor(Connector, Alpha)
return (Connector and 'rgba(' .. (typeColor[Connector.Type] or '0, 0, 0') .. ',' .. Alpha .. ')' or 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)')
suffix = {
--- Returns a CSS color for the data type
-- @param connector Table containing a Name (Optional) and Type (Required) for the input/output.
function GetTypeSegments(connector)
if connector == nil then error("connector is nil") end
if connector == nil or connector.Type == nil then error("Missing Type") end
local base = connector.Type:match("^%a+")
if not type_segments.enabled[base] then return 1 end
local suffix = connector.Type:sub(#base+1)
return type_segments.suffix[suffix] or 1

return p
return p

Revision as of 17:05, 24 February 2024

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Test/doc

-- Package definition to return to Scribunto - this allows us to define methods that can be called
-- when this module is targeted.
local p = {}

local ProtofluxColor = require("Module:ProtoFlux_Type_Color")

local css = {
	root = function(self, rows)
		return string.format("color: rgb(224, 224, 224); background-color: rgb(18, 20, 28); width: 256px; display: grid; grid-template-columns: [input] 30px [label] 1fr [output] 30px [end]; grid-template-rows: 80px repeat(%s, 35px 35px) 60px;",
	node_title = function(self, minimal, rows)
		if minimal then
			return string.format("text-align:center; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18pt;  grid-column: label; grid-row: 1/%s; align-self: center;",
			(rows * 2) + 3)
			return "padding: 10px 0px 10px 0px; text-align:center; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(26, 41, 54); font-size: 18pt;  grid-column: input / end; grid-row: 1;"
	node_footer = "text-align: center; padding: 10px; font-size: 18pt; color: rgb(64,64,64); font-weight: bold;",
	connector_row = "display: flex; min-height: 70px;",
	connector_row_labels = "flex-grow: 2; overflow: visible; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; order: 2;",
	multi_button = "font-size: 1.75rem; width: 1em; height: 1em; background-color: #2c2f35; border-radius: 2em; "
		.. "display:flex; align-items:center; justify-content: center;",
	multi_bar = function(self, is_input, multi)
		return string.format(
			"background-color: white; opacity: 0.5; width: 6px; height: %spx; position: absolute; bottom: 40px; %s: 13px;",
			70 * (multi - 2) + 50,
			is_input and "left" or "right"
	label = "text-overflow: ellipsis; border-bottom: 4px solid #11151d; border-top: 4px solid #11151d; ",
	label_multi = "font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.4rem; line-height: 1;",
	input_label = function(self, color, is_multi)
		if is_multi then color = nil end
		return string.format(
			.."text-align: left; overflow: %s; padding-left: 4px; border-right: 20px solid #11151d; "
			.."background-color: %s;%s",
			color and "hidden" or "visible",
			color and ColorToCss(MultA(color, 0.6)) or "transparent",
			is_multi and " "..self.label_multi or ""
	output_label = function(self, color, is_multi)
		if is_multi then color = nil end
		return string.format(
			.."text-align: right; overflow: %s; padding-right: 4px; border-left: 20px solid #11151d; "
			.."background-color: %s;%s",
			color and "hidden" or "visible",
			color and ColorToCss(MultA(color, 0.6)) or "transparent",
			is_multi and " "..self.label_multi or ""
	attachment_point = function(self, color, order)
		return string.format(
			"width: 30px; background-color: black; fill: %s; stroke: %s; order: %s;",
			ColorToCss(MultA(color, 0.15)),
	global = function(self, color)
		return string.format(
			"display: flex; min-height: 70px; flex-direction: column; border-left: 10px solid %s;",
	global_input = "border-radius: 16px; text-align: center; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center;"

--- Method that generates the HTML output
--	@param frame A Scribunto frame instance. frame.args contains the parameters passed into the module call
function p.GenerateUI( frame )
	-- Parse the JSON input, returning an empty array if no argument was passed
	local inputs = mw.text.jsonDecode(frame.args.Inputs or '[]')
	local outputs = mw.text.jsonDecode(frame.args.Outputs or '[]')
	local globals = mw.text.jsonDecode(frame.args.Globals or '[]')
	-- Create an HTML div element to contain our node UI
	local protofluxContainer = mw.html.create( 'div' )
	    :attr('class', frame.args.Inline and '' or 'floatright')
		:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the node title
			:cssText(css.node_title(mimimal, maxRows))
			:done() -- Close node title div
	local processedInputs = {}
	local processedOutputs = {}
	for i=1,#inputs do
		local multi = tonumber(inputs[i] and inputs[i].Multi or 1)
		for j=1,multi do
			inputs[i].MultiIndex = j
			table.insert(processedInputs, { Name=inputs[i].Name, Type=inputs[i].Type, Multi=multi, MultiIndex=j })
	for i=1,#outputs do
		local multi = tonumber(outputs[i] and outputs[i].Multi or 1)
		for j=1,multi do
			table.insert(processedOutputs, { Name=outputs[i].Name, Type=outputs[i].Type, Multi=multi, MultiIndex=j })
	-- Calculate the larger number of rows required (either for inputs or outputs, if the node is asymmetric)
	local maxRows = math.max(#processedInputs, #processedOutputs)
	-- Iterate over each row, and populate it with the inputs/outputs. If the node is asymmetric,
	-- the value passed for either input or output might be nil.
	for i=1,maxRows do
		CreateConnectorRow(protofluxContainer, processedInputs[i], processedOutputs[i])
	-- Iterate over each global value in the node, and create a row. These elements take up the entire width
	-- of the node, and so don't need to be balanced in any way.
	for i=1,#globals do
		CreateGlobalsRow(protofluxContainer, globals[i])
		:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the node category footer
			:done() -- Close category footer div
	-- Return the HTML generated above to the wiki page this script is invoked from.
	return tostring(protofluxContainer) .. '[[Category:ProtoFlux:All]]'

--- Creates a text which should be shown when hovering over a connector
-- @param Input Table containing a Name (optional) and Type for the input on this row.
function connector_hover_text(connector)
	if connector.Name == nil then
		return ("<%s>"):format(connector.Type)
	return ("%s <%s>"):format(connector.Name, connector.Type)

--- Creates a new ProtoFlux connector row in the output
-- @param container The Scribunto HTML node we'll be creating this row inside of. Should be a container of some sort.
-- @param input Table containing a Name and Type for the input on this row. Can be nil if no input is to be placed on this row.
-- @param output Table containing a Name and Type for the output on this row. Can be nil if no output is to be placed on this row.
function CreateConnectorRow(container, input, output)
	local connector_row = container
		:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the connector row. We specify a min-height of 70px for consistency.

	local connector_row_labels = connector_row
		:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the input and output labels in the connector row

	if input then
		local color, is_impulse = GetColor(input)
		local hover_text = connector_hover_text(input)

		if input.Multi and input.MultiIndex > 1 then
			local label = connector_row_labels
				:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the input label
					:attr('title', hover_text) -- Add a basic mouseover description
			if input.Multi == input.MultiIndex then
						:cssText('position:relative; top:2rem; display: flex; gap: 4px;')
							:cssText(css:multi_bar(true, input.Multi))
				:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the input label
					:attr('title', hover_text) -- Add a basic mouseover description
					:cssText(css:input_label(color, input.Multi > 1))
					:wikitext(input.Name or '')
					:done() -- Close input label div

		-- Create the input (left) attachement point
		local segments = GetTypeSegments(input)
		CreateConnectorAttachmentPoint(connector_row, hover_text, color, segments, is_impulse, true)
	else -- if input
		connector_row:tag("div"):cssText("width: 30px; order: 1;")
	end -- if input

	if output then
		local color, is_impulse = GetColor(output)
		local hover_text = connector_hover_text(output)

		if output.Multi and output.MultiIndex > 1 then
			local label = connector_row_labels
				:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the output label
					:attr('title', hover_text) -- Add a basic mouseover description
			if output.Multi == output.MultiIndex then
						:cssText('position:relative; display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; gap: 4px;')
							:cssText(css:multi_bar(false, output.Multi))
				:tag('div') -- HTML div to contain the output label
					:attr('title', hover_text) -- Add a basic mouseover description
					:cssText(css:output_label(color, output.Multi > 1))
					:wikitext(output.Name or '')
					:done() -- Close output label div

		-- Create the output (right) attachment point
		local segments = GetTypeSegments(output)
		CreateConnectorAttachmentPoint(connector_row, hover_text, color, segments, is_impulse, false);
	else -- if output
		connector_row:tag("div"):cssText("width: 30px; order: 3;")
	end -- if output

--- Creates a new ProtoFlux global input field row in the output
--	@param container The Scribunto HTML node we'll be creating this row inside of. Should be a container of some sort.
--	@param global Table containing a Name and Type for the global field on this row.
function CreateGlobalsRow(container, global)
	local color = GetTypeColor(global)
	local hover_text = connector_hover_text(global)

		:tag( 'div' )
			:attr('title', hover_text) -- Add a basic mouseover description
			:tag( 'div' )
				:cssText('display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; flex-grow:1; overflow: hidden;')
				:tag( 'span' )
					:cssText('text-align: center; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold; flex-grow:1;')
			:tag( 'div' )
				:attr('style', 'display: flex; gap: 10px; flex-grow: 1;')
					:cssText('background-color: #777; font-style: italic; flex-grow: 3; '..css.global_input)
					:tag( 'span' )
				:tag( 'div' )
					:cssText('background-color: #333; flex-grow: 1; '..css.global_input)
					:tag ( 'span' )

--- Creates a new input or output attachement point for a connector row.
--	@param container The Scribunto HTML node we'll be creating this row inside of. Should be a container of some sort.
--  @param hover_text Text to show when hovering, possibly nil
--	@param color The color of this attachment point (table with r, g, b, optionally a).
--	@param segments The number of segments for the type, used for vectors or matrices.
--	@param is_impulse True if this is an impulse, false if it is a data type.
--	@param is_input True if this is an input side attachment point, false if it is an output side attachment point.
function CreateConnectorAttachmentPoint(container, hover_text, color, segments, is_impulse, is_input)
	local connector_type = nil
	if is_impulse then connector_type = "InputArrow"
	elseif is_input then connector_type = "InputBox"
	else connector_type = "OutputBox"

		:tag( 'div' )
			:attr('title', hover_text or "") -- Add a basic mouseover description
			:cssText(css:attachment_point(color, is_input and 1 or 3))
			:wikitext(mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate({title = 'ProtoFluxConnector', args = {Type=connector_type, Segments=segments}}))

--- Returns a CSS color for the data type or impulse and whether the type is an impulse
-- @param connector Table containing a Name (Optional) and Type (Required) for the input/output.
function GetColor(connector)
	if connector == nil then error("connector is nil") end
	if connector == nil or connector.Type == nil then error("Missing Type") end
	local color = ProtofluxColor.get_impulse_color(connector.Type)
	if color ~= nil then
		return color, true
	return GetTypeColor(connector), false

--- Returns a CSS color for the data type
-- @param connector Table containing a Name (Optional) and Type (Required) for the input/output or global.
function GetTypeColor(connector)
	if connector == nil then error("connector is nil") end
	if connector == nil or connector.Type == nil then error("Missing Type") end
	local color = ProtofluxColor.get_type_color(connector.Type)
	return MultRGB(color, 1.5)

function MultRGB(color, fact)
	return {

function MultA(color, fact)
	return {
		a=(color.a or 1)*fact,

function ColorToCss(color)
	return ("rgba(%s,%s,%s,%s)"):format(color.r*255, color.g*255, color.b*255, color.a or 1)

local type_segments = {
	enabled = {
	suffix = {

--- Returns a CSS color for the data type
-- @param connector Table containing a Name (Optional) and Type (Required) for the input/output.
function GetTypeSegments(connector)
	if connector == nil then error("connector is nil") end
	if connector == nil or connector.Type == nil then error("Missing Type") end
	local base = connector.Type:match("^%a+")
	if not type_segments.enabled[base] then return 1 end
	local suffix = connector.Type:sub(#base+1)
	return type_segments.suffix[suffix] or 1

return p