The '''FootstepSoundSplatmapSplitter''' component plays a different sound player depending on what part of a mesh collider on in the same slot a player walks on.
|SplatMap|{{RootFieldType|AssetRef`1|[[Type:Texture2D|Texture2D]]}}|TypeAdv0=true| The texture to get channel data from for playing different sound materials.
|R_SoundMaterial|IFootstepSoundMaterial| The sound material to play when the user walks on a part of the mesh collider that maps to the R channel of <code>SplatMap</code>
|G_SoundMaterial|IFootstepSoundMaterial|The sound material to play when the user walks on a part of the mesh collider that maps to the G channel of <code>SplatMap</code>
|B_SoundMaterial|IFootstepSoundMaterial|The sound material to play when the user walks on a part of the mesh collider that maps to the B channel of <code>SplatMap</code>
|A_SoundMaterial|IFootstepSoundMaterial|The sound material to play when the user walks on a part of the mesh collider that maps to the A channel of <code>SplatMap</code>
== Behavior ==
== Usage ==
Used to map texture maps for different terrain sections to different noises.
== Examples ==
== Examples ==
Can be used in ports of half-life maps, where the terrain can change from rocky to sandy in the costal maps.
Footstep Sound Splatmap Splitter component as seen in the Scene Inspector
The FootstepSoundSplatmapSplitter component plays a different sound player depending on what part of a mesh collider on in the same slot a player walks on.