ProtoFlux:Format String

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Revision as of 20:03, 25 June 2024 by TheAutopilot (talk | contribs) (fixed indices (are 0-based, not 1-based))

This node simply calls the C# String.Format function using the provided parameters. It allows you to take a string like "I am a {0} who likes to do {1} while {2}" And populate {0}, {1}, and {2} with values. If you plug any value into the list of inputs for the Parameters, it will auto add a cast node into an object.

For example using the string "The number {0} is on the {1} hand and the fact it's enabled is {2}." for Format. Then Plugging in a float (1.25) for the first input, Then a Chirality (Left) to the second, then a Boolean (True) will result in the output "The number 1.25 is on the Left hand and the fact it's enabled is True."


Format (String)

A composite format string.

FormatProvider (IFormatProvider)

An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

Nodes that output this type can be found in Strings/Localization


* (String)

The formatted string.