Tween Value is a node that allows you to change a Target (Numeric or Enum IField`1) over a Duration (float) from a starting point to an ending point. The different curve presets determine the interpolation used, and when applicable will smoothly change using non whole numbers.
* (AsyncCall)
Tells the node to start tweening Target (Numeric or Enum IField`1).
To (Sudo-Generic (Any Numeric or Enum value))
The value to tween towards over Duration (float)
Examples: Key Enum, Float, Int, etc
From (Sudo-Generic (Any Numeric or Enum value))
The value to tween away from over Duration (float)
Examples: Key Enum, Float, Int, etc
Duration (float)
The duration in seconds that the value should tween for.
Curve (CurvePreset)
The interpolation type to use while tweening.
ProportionalDuration (Boolean)
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TODO: What does this do?
Target (Numeric or Enum IField`1)
The value this node should Tween.
OnStarted (SyncResumption (Async))
sends an Async Impulse once the node starts tweening the Target (Numeric or Enum IField`1).
OnDone (Continuation)
Sends an Impulse once the node is done tweening Target (Numeric or Enum IField`1).
A short animation of a tween value moving something over time, with nodes beside it.