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This node provides information provided by Meta controllers.
You can input a user reference and a chirality to read the status and inputs of a user's controller.
User (User)
The user to receive inputs from.
Node (Chirality)
The side to receive inputs from.
IsActive (Bool)
Bool for showing if the device is active. Useful for troubleshooting if your controller is not responding.
Type (Type)
BatteryLevel (Float)
Shows the battery level of the device from 1 to 0.
BatteryCharging (Bool)
Shows if the battery is currently charging.
Start (Bool)
ButtonYB (Bool)
Shows if Y/B is being pressed.
ButtonXA (Bool)
Shows if X/A is being pressed.
ButtonYB_Touch (Bool)
Shows if Y/B is being touched.
ButtonXA_Touch (Bool)
Shows if X/A is being touched.
ThumbRestTouch (Bool)
Shows if the thumb rest is being touched.
Grip (Float)
Shows a 0 to 1 value of the grip strength.
GripClick (Bool)
Shows if grip is being clicked.
Joystick (Float2)
Gives a 2D vector of the joystick input.
JoystickTouch (Bool)
Shows if the joystick is being touched.