ProtoFlux:New Line

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Revision as of 17:47, 17 April 2024 by PJB (talk | contribs) (Add missing word)
New Line
New Line

The New Line node is a character literal constant that represents the "new line". Note that this node comes in two versions: A char version and a String version. The char version returns the "Line Feed" character (Unicode: U+000A), whereas the String version depends on the operating system on which Resonite is running: on Windows it returns a string containing \r\n (Carriage Return followed by Line Feed), while on other platforms it returns a string containing a sole \n (Line Feed).

The string literal New Line node is operating system agnostic when it is used and compared with, allowing for this node to be compatible when using it. Microsoft documentation about the Environment New Line [1].


* (char or String)

The character literal constant of the New Line character.

See Also

Wikipedia article about the New Line. [2]