
Category page
Revision as of 12:36, 29 June 2024 by AmasterAmaster (talk | contribs) (Added the remaining descriptions.)
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Node Name Description
Compose Rotation Converts a rotation into a matrix
Compose Scale Converts a scale into a matrix
Compose Scale Rotation Converts a scale and a rotation into a matrix
Compose TRS Makes a TRS matrix, which defines an object's entire transforms in either local or global space (TRS doesn't define which)
Decomposed Position Converts a matrix into a position
Decomposed Rotation Converts a matrix into a rotation
Decoposed Scale Converts a matrix into a scale
Determinant Returns the matrix's area
Inverse A way to "divide" a matrix, reversing a matrix translation, or inverting it in some way
Matrix Element Allows you to get a Matrix value inside a Matrix (Grid of values)
Pack Columns Pack a set of float3, double2, (etc) Columns into a Matrix
Pack Rows Pack a set of float3, double2, (etc) Rows into a Matrix
Transpose Flips the ordering of a matrix value (either Row-major or Column-major ordering)
Unpack Columns unpack a set of float3, double2, (etc) Columns from a Matrix
Unpack Rows unpack a set of float3, double2, (etc) Rows from a Matrix