Component image 
Feed Item Interface component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The FeedItemInterface component is used as a template type item in data feed mappers in the Data Feeds system.
All Feed interface types extend from this class, and are listed in the Interfaces category.
Name | Type | Description |
Bool | Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server. |
Int | Controls the order in which this component is updated. |
Bool | Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't. |
Bool | The field to set when this interface is templated by a data feed for whether it has data or not. |
IField`1<String> | The field to fill with the name of the interface item when it is templated via a data feed. For settings toggles, this would be the toggle name. |
IField`1<String> | The field to fill with the interfaces key if it is a dictionary type item. |
IField`1<String> | The field to fill with the template description when template via a data feed. |
IField`1<Bool> | Whether the item when templated via a data feed has a description. |
Slot | If this interface doesn't have a description during templating via a data feed, then delete the slot specified. |
IField`1<Uri> | The resource URL to fill with an image link/URI if the data feed item has an icon. |
IField`1<Bool> | Whether this template has an icon. This is set during duplication as a template via a data feed. |
Slot | The slot to delete when this interface item doesn't have an icon when being duplicated as a template item by a data feed. |
SyncRef`1<IDataFeedView> | The data feed view that this template was instantiated by. Like a SingleFeedView. |
FeedItemInterface | This template's parent container. If that template also has a parent and a child, then it recursively goes up the containers till it finds the root interface with a parent and a child interface, then instantiates that interfaces child interface and it's Nested items instead of just this interface. |
Slot | This template's child template which it instanciates if it's part of a parent child structure of interfaces. |
list of FeedItemInterface.NestedItem | A list of extra data feed items to instantiate the same as this one with the same arguments, except each one can be Nested under this item. |
IField`1<Bool> | The enabled state of this feed interface item UI element. |
Name | Type | Description |
FeedItemInterface | The template to instance when templated by a data feed as part of this Nested item. |
Slot | Where to place this Nested item when it is generated. |
bool | Whether to ignore instantiating the parent container of Interface when this is instanciated.
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