ProtoFlux:Read Cloud Variable

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Reading from a variable using the "Read Cloud Variable"

Input Description Examples
Impulse Will read from the cloud variable upon impulse. Is restricted by cloud variable rate limits. Async Call input.
Path The definition owner + "." + The variable name. "G-Resonite.UserSettings.Color.Primary", "U-ProbablePrime.testing.bool"
VariableOwnerID The id of the person you want to read the value for the variable definition specified in Path. "U-Frooxius", "U-Nexulan"
Value (OUTPUT) The value you read for the user in VariableOwnerID in the variable definition defined in Path. This only exists during the OnDone Impulse. Write the output to a DataModelStore`1 to keep it for longer than the impulse. colorX, float3, String, DateTime.