Button (IButton)[Global]
IButton to read events from.
Pressed (Impulse)
Sends an Impulse when the button in Global: IButton is pressed down
Pressing (Impulse)
Sends an Impulse every game update while the button in Global: IButton is being held down
Released (Impulse)
Sends an Impulse when the button in Global: IButton is released
HoverEnter (Impulse)
Sends an Impulse a cursor/laser is brought on top of the button in Global: IButton (TODO: Does this include touching? (Ex: Physical buttons))
HoverStay (Impulse)
Sends an Impulse every game update while the button in Global: IButton is being currently being hovered over (TODO: Does this include touching? (Ex: Physical buttons))
HoverLeave (Impulse)
Sends an Impulse a cursor/laser leaves being on top of the button in Global: IButton (TODO: Does this include touching? (Ex: Physical buttons))
Source (Component)
The source of the button press (TODO: Is this a interaction laser and/or tip touch source?)
GlobalPoint (float3)
The point in global transform in the world the user's cursor is at on the surface of the button during any of this node's Impulses Example: Useful for a splash of particles where the user clicked like a click effect Also see: Coordinate spaces
The point in UIX pixels within the button's local RectTransform the user's cursor is at during any of this node's Impulses Also see: Coordinate spaces
The point from 0 to 1 in both the x and y channels within the button's local RectTransform the user's cursor is at during any of this node's Impulses. Also see: Coordinate spaces