Template:Basic Fire On Information

Template page
Revision as of 01:28, 18 February 2024 by ProbablePrime (talk | contribs)

{{{1}}} Nodes will only fire if {{{3}}} has seen the value on their local machine {{{2}}}.

When this node triggers from {{{3}}} it can be used to execute code that requires the impulse be from a specific user. This is useful for things like:

  • changing world properties
  • hysics
  • cloud variables
  • other Local User sensitive nodes.

{{{1}}} Nodes also check the value every game tick.

If you're doing checks that require lots of calculations, it may be better to monitor a value that requires less processing power to calculate, or a value that doesn't change that often, and then check the rest of the conditions you were checking before on an If node, since those only check their argument when impulsed rather than every tick.