Into The Darkness

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Revision as of 01:36, 21 February 2024 by I'm Erin. (talk | contribs) (Just the text, still need pics n stuff probably)
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Into The Darkness is a board game for 3 or more people designed to have every player guessing each step of the way. This game requires one person to be the host with at least two other players. The trick of Into The Darkness is that only the host is allowed to see the game board, all other players will be making moves and guessing where they are in an attempt to reach the hidden goal. Into the Darkness is a game of guessing, luck, improv, and deceit. Along the way there are challenges and obstacles you must get past to win.

Into The Darkness was made for MMC24 by I'm Erin. and Rampa_3. It is based on a YouTube video by Magic The Noah.



Maneuver your way through the tiles and be the first player to land on The Light tile.

How To Play

Each player will take turns moving around the board. When it is your turn the host will tell you all available routes you are able to take and you will choose one. The host will move you in that direction and then tell you what tile you landed on. If you land on any tile that is not a blank tile you must comply with the rules of that tile before you end your turn. You will want to try and note the tiles you and the other players land on in your own private map so you can reference it later. You will want to try and map out the board to help you find The Light.


Player Rules

  • 3+ players
    • 1 player must be the host
  • All players start on the home tile
  • At each turn, the player is told their available travel directions and they can choose which way they want to travel
  • All players are able to keep track of anything that happens on their own private board
    • Players will want to try and draw out the game board for future path finding
  • If a player lands on any special tile, they will comply with that tole’s rules before their turn will end
  • Each player will start with 0 gold coins
    • Gold coins are able to be spent at the shop
    • Gold can be used to barter and trade with other players

Host Rules

  • Before the game starts, you will customize the board.
    • The board must have a home tile to start on, The Light tile, and The Void tile.
    • Each tile must be connected with at least one line to another tile.
    • You may have lines that can only move one way. Each tile must have a way out.
      • Forcing the player to use an item or a wheel spin is a viable way out.
  • The host has final say in all disputes.
  • You may improvise. Rules may be ignored if you want. The host rules!
  • You must not lie to the players about their available routes.
  • If a tile is connected with a one way path and the path direction is not in the correct direction of travel for the player, the host does not need to mention that the tiles are connected.
  • You must be accurate with information obtained by using an item.
  • The host can use the randomizer but is not obligated to unless explicitly instructed.


Main Tiles

Blank Tile

A normal tile. The player will end their turn here or choose to use an item.

Home Tile

All players will start here. If the player returns to this tile they receive 1 gold. If the player returns to this tile 3 times in a row (or the host deems the player to be abusing this tile) the player will be sent directly to The Void.

The Light

The first player to reach this tile will win the game.

Special Tiles


The player can choose to spend coins here and purchase items.

Good Wheel

Spin a wheel filled with mostly good outcomes. You will follow the wheel outcome before you end your turn.

Bad Wheel

Spin a wheel filled with mostly bad outcomes. You will follow the wheel outcome before you end your turn.

The Void

The Void is a tile that will keep a player stuck and spinning the Void wheel until they spin a way out. This tile should only be connected with one way paths.


The player will compete in combat with their player of choice. The player will spin the combat wheel and compete against the chosen player. The host will decide the winner. The player that wins can choose to spin the good wheel or have the other player spin the bad wheel.


Any player that lands on this square will be moved to another space at random. The host will choose where the player moves. The host can also use the built in random selection tool.


The player will be stuck on that spot until they successfully pass a trial. The trial will be picked on each turn by spinning the trial wheel.

The Shop


  • 1 Gold Coin
    • Vanish Scroll
    • Trap
    • Key
  • 2 Gold Coins
    • Spy Glass
    • Golden Oil Lamp
    • Movere Nos Potion
  • 3 Gold Coins
    • Shield
    • Sword
    • Evil Amulet
  • 4 Gold Coins
    • Compass
    • Candle
  • 5 Gold Coins
    • Eagle Eye


  • Vanish Scroll
    • Teleport to a random tile (cannot use inside The Void)
  • Trap
    • Place a trap on your current tile. The next player (including self) to land on that tile will lose their next turn. Trapped player still plays the tile when they arrive
  • Key
    • Travel backwards on a one way path
    • Use at the start of a turn and the host will include backwards one way paths. Key only lost if there is a one way path available (even if path is not used)
  • Spy Glass
    • Learn the type of all adjacent tiles
  • Golden Oil Lamp
    • Spawn 3 gold on a random space
  • Movere Nos Potion
    • Swap places with another player
  • Shield
    • Block any challenge or action
  • Sword
    • Automatically win combat
  • Evil Amulet
    • Make another player spin the bad wheel. You may choose the player
  • Compass
    • Find the best direction to move to reach The Light (Least tiles between them)
  • Candle
    • Escape the void. Move to any connected tile. (Ignore one way)
  • Eagle Eye
    • See the connection types of an adjacent tile (including itself)


Good Wheel

  • Get 1 gold
  • Get 3 gold
  • Get 5 gold
  • Double gold
  • Move again
  • Spy Glass
    • Gain Spy Glass item
  • Void Ticket
    • Send a player to The Void
  • Bad friend
    • Choose player to spin bad wheel
  • Wheel spinner
    • Spin good then bad wheel
  • Double roll
    • Spin good wheel 2 more times
  • Bad wheel
    • Spin bad wheel

Bad Wheel

  • Return Home
  • Scramble
    • Host will move a random tile
  • Go to The Void
  • Lose next turn
  • Swap places
    • Swap places with another player
    • You do not pick the player
  • Teleport
    • Get moved to a random space
  • Give away 3 gold
  • Give away all gold
  • Give away an item
  • Double Roll
    • Spin the bad wheel 2 more times
  • Spin the good wheel

Void Wheel

  • Return Home
  • Nothing happens
  • Invitation
    • Invite another player to The Void
  • Spin good wheel
  • Spin bad wheel
  • Trials
    • Pass a trial and return home
  • Lose 1 gold
  • Expensive Candle
    • Pay 8 gold for a candle

Combat Wheel

  • Pay 3 gold to win
    • Unable to pay results in loss
  • Automatic loss
  • Best joke
    • Host will decide
  • Best fact
    • Host will decide
    • Does not have to be true
  • Best something - need to edit this
  • Best art
    • Draw something
    • Host will decide
  • Players choice
    • Both players do something to convince host they should win the combat
    • Host will decide

Trials Wheel

  • Unanimous Vote
    • Pass unanimous vote by all players to let you pass
  • Beggar
    • Get a player to donate one gold coin to you
  • Make a donation
    • Give gold coin(s) or item(s) to the host
    • Host will decide if the donation is sufficient after
  • Start over
    • Go Home and lose all gold, items, and debt
  • Be lucky
    • Lucky enough to land on this and automatically pass
  • Win a combat
    • Host will decide opponent
  • Host’s choice