ProtoFlux:Read Dynamic Variable

From Resonite Wiki
Revision as of 04:30, 6 April 2024 by AmasterAmaster (talk | contribs) (Updated the page with a note talking about how you cannot skip or jump variable spaces and needing multiple of these nodes to continue searching through a hierarchy.)
Read Dynamic Variable
Dynamic Varables

Read Dynamic Variable is a node that takes in a slot as a source and goes down the hierarchy to find the first dynamic space that contains the path specified, then returns the matching type's value if one is found. For more information, see Dynamic Variables.

Although you cannot jump or skip variable spaces using this node from your provided string path, you can however use multiple of these nodes in conjunction together and provide more path strings to get to where you want to search for in the hierarchy.


Source (Slot)

This is the source slot that this node reads from.

Path (String)

The string input to find where to read from.


FoundValue (bool)

Whether the value we are searching for is found or not.

Value (Generic)

The value that is found.