ProtoFlux:World Session Web URL

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Revision as of 17:52, 14 April 2024 by AmasterAmaster (talk | contribs) (Created a page for the World Session Web URL node.)
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World Session Web URL

The World Session Web URL node returns this world's Session Web URL. This node is interesting as it provides a Web Address for the world and there is no application this can be used for yet. When trying to use the contents of this node by putting the result into a web browser and going to that location, the web browser may warn you of potential security risks, and going past that there is only an error 403 page (access to the requested resource is recognized but is forbidden).

It is most likely that only the Resonite Team would know what this is for, as the certificates for these sites made references to the yellow dog man himself.


* (String)

The world's Session Web URL.
