Cabin of the Seasons

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Cabin of the Seasons
The cabin of the seasons. There's a crystal-shaped purple hourglass hanging above the entrance of the cabin.
The cabin of the seasons. There's a crystal-shaped purple hourglass hanging above the entrance of the cabin.
Created By
Published On
cabin, seasons, puzzle, story

The Cabin of the Seasons is a world by MysticForge

The world can be accessed with:resrec:///G-MysticForge/R-7d2e6739-5d29-4c83-a147-15bbf3719db9


The world features a mysterious cabin located amidst a forest. The space is limited to a small area around the cabin. There's light pole lit by candles and a well nearby.

World Content

The world consist is a puzzle game where the player has to figure out a way to flip the lever of the time machine for each level. There are 12 levels in total divided by 3 years and 4 seasons. Each level would require the player to figure out a way to complete a puzzle or a series of it in order to get into the study room and flip the lever of the time machine.

The following contents below are spoilers to the story of the world. It is advised to play through the game at least once. The following contents below serve to give answers to the player if they are truly stuck on a certain level of the story.

Journal Entries of Gerb Oswald

Year 1


Entry 1

"So much for a "temporary" solution. 5 years, it has been. I've poured my last few into studying and formulating an escape. Nothing has proven worth the cost, yet"

Entry 2

"'Quell'? Why would they be so frivolous as to name such a splendid substance after a word so entailing of horrid destruction. Naive and ignorant are those who saw this power in such a garish view"

Entry 3

"Despite how long I suffered in this cabin, I still start each year with 'Entry 1'. It feels true to do so, I suppose.

Entry 4

"I've found myself in a ponder over whether I could after the weather. While I understand it's importance. I truly despise the inconvenience of rain.

I know I could influence in minorly, but to control it entirely is far more appealing. My first thought is that I could sap the thermal energy and absorb it with a simple machine that feeds the energy to the quell.

This would likely the unsustainable if done continuously and could cause a collapse if precautions aren't carefully considered.

I regret to remember when I could take such risks."


Entry 13

"Somehow the Quell seems to have been disrupted, and my energy levels depleted. I've used some twine to hold up the lever which activates the Zoomy Time Contraption lest something activates it accidentally.

I usually use the twine to start my fireplace. Plenty to spare, and quite a versatile resource."

Entry 14

"I just met the most pleasant fellow! Apparently, he was cursed with foresight and could make striking predictions. I asked him to prove it; "Such an ability is not worthy to boast, and hardly worth seeking" is all he said.

I decided to show this 'Thomas' how I sustain this place with time manipulation.

He studied my words with blinkless focus- I absolutely adored the attention.

And why would it be bad? Strange, but he's gone now.

I do wish him well. Such a sad soul, but splendid in his knowledge and kind."


Entry 35

"Dear elusive being,

I know that you are here, or at least that you seek to gain something from your meddling, but know that you will fail. I have attached a secure lock to the lever, and hid the key in a comfortable spot. I've attempted times over to even theorize a solution that won't end in a catastrophic collapse."

Entry 36

"I find myself more and more distracted by thoughts of being watched. It's not that I don't like it, in fact to think that I'm finally being seen is... Well, perhaps I'm being too hopeful."

Entry 37

"Despite generations of thaumaturgists' minds being crammed into my skull, I still feel hopeful that there are yet many generations worth of discovery to be had. I feel inspired now more than ever to help other users of quell, I hope to promote this insight I've gained by living there. It can't be long before I can escape."


Entry 49

"You're quite persistent, and it's getting on my nerves. Can't you face me, or are you trying to infuriate me? I've had quite enough. I'll be sure you can't operate the machine further. The key is hidden somewhere you'd be hard-pressed to find.

Entry 50

"Strange to think that the ticking of time can be controlled in such a fluid way. As I alter all matter from winter into it's form as it was in spring. There's no keeping this for myself. Even if I can't teach folks. I hope Thomas can share my insight-wherever he is."

Entry 51

"I'm deep into winter and the air is cold, it won't be long before time returns to spring once more. All I have made and discovered will be lost to matter, only to continue existing in my mind.

This year was interesting- I almost hope that blasted intruder returns in this next go-round... Though I suspect it'd be better had they never appeared in the first place."

Year 2


Entry 1

"While I hope you are gone, I can't help but shake the feeling that you are not. I shan't allow you to take this decision from me.

There will truly be no hope if this wasteful use of quell is not more carefully controlled."

Entry 2

"I've set up an unbreakable bind on my study door, only a convoluted series of opening and closing can remove this lock.

If your name is I, Gerb, know that the sequence starts where the day does too, followed by a door that is not so secure, then the left container of a structure with two, before finally letting nature breathe through a room that was enclosed not long ago.

If by now you are already confused, you are not I, so please leave."


Entry 16

"So you're staying? Know that as much as I appreciate your company, there is no positive end to all of this. You may be the cause of a brilliant collapse, costing more than you could fathom.

You probably know this already. Do you know me? I'm not sure can answer that, so if not: I'm Gerb Oswald. Back on Earth, I was classed as an 'anomaly' due to... Eh, a mishap at birth. I hope we can learn to cooperate

But please, quit your meddling."

Entry 17

"I find myself forever parched, running constantly to the well to fetch water. To give me motivation, I've made my study inaccessible unless all containers find themselves filled. Yes, elusive being, I am trusting you on this one."


Entry 27

"Every year I make a consideration to myself to take my time away from study to construct sculptures of wood upon ash piles. Strange, you may think, but it's somewhat of a hobby I've adored to ponder.

If you still don't quite follow, just know that it has a mystical origin in ages now forgotten, though an adaption has lived on through to this day."

Entry 27 28

"I'm in a state of endless distraction; I deeply hope that everything turns out fine but despite my wise, I fail to see a direct path to ensured security. I'm taking a monumental risk, most certainly.

Elusive one: I've reason to believe you have abilities beyond my own. Are you physical, spectral, or simply a figment of my dwindling sanity? Whichever it is, you must know more than I."

Entry 29

"I miss my old life, it was so humble and free. I was more than unwise- a fool, in fact! I've just about had it, I want need an escape!"


Entry 34

"A busy mind is no state to be working in. I can hardly follow the concentration of Quell at this point! A true sorcerer knows how to extinguish all thoughts, clear their mind, and focus on what is truly important."

Entry 35

"This kind of blissful thinking reminds me of an old friend I obtained during my youth, he shared some of the most brilliant insight that brought about sustained levitation, and even time manipulation. Nowadays it seems trivial, but it was exhilarating to discover.

Have you ever felt such a feeling, friend? I'm sure you have; how else could you have gotten this far? I do hope you are enjoying your stay."

Entry 36

"Soon will be the turning point again. A lot was overcome this year, but it was a near miss that I am deeply uncomfortable with. Mind you, I know little of this situation. Really, I'm lucky to have you here.

Do return again next year, won't you?"

Year 3


Entry 46

"Why should I start each year with 'Entry 1'? I find it's more truthful to continue where we left off, wouldn't you agree?"

Entry 47

"I could be writing to myself here, quite honestly, but knowing your persistence the chances are slim to none."

Entry 48

"It'd be nice if I could eat something new this year- it's hard to even bring myself to plant these crops! Perhaps I'll focus on conjuring a new meal this time around around.

I've got a hearty meal in mind, just you wait!"


Entry 64

"To be inside my Cabin you must be doing a wonderful job of preserving my crops! Unfortunate to think that it's all for nothing... Not to be negative, of course. In fact, my favourite meal is soon to replace all efforts in botanical labour."

Entry 65

"I've constructed a new tool for you to devil with, dear friend; it can be found just inside the storage closet. You can use this tool to locate some gems long-hidden during my founding of this glass-covered prison

Not to worry, it won't be long before it's time is up, thanks to a particularly persistent, prying presence."

Entry 66

"It feels quite unusual to have a friend like you, hidden from me. Something makes me trust you, a 'gut feeling' almost- as illogical as that sounds. This might be my desperation and/or the excitement of escape speaking.

You remind me of myself, perhaps. You've not disrupted my life (too much), but merely followed your own natural curiousity and desire for answers. I truly believe we are alike."


Entry 79

"Dearest friend, I've got it! The answer is so simple so plain, and yet so brilliant! This whole time I've suffered, all pain could have been subverted if simply I looked from a different perspective! All I needed was this quell-infused water to conjure up some of the most brilliant crumpets and jam!

Thank you, of all of the things I've discovered in my time here, this is simply the most astounding. Your seemingly mundane choice has sparkled remarkable insight!"


Entry 96

"It looks like this is it, I've dismantled the Zoomy Time Contraption from its core and denied any falter in choice. You have brought me great confidence, and I will forever be thankful during my infinite existence beyond this physical form."

Entry 97

"All matter of this land will be converted upon the quelling that your actions bring, I still believe this was a mistake. I am a great sorcerer with a foolish beginning, now I must become wise and banish my being to serving the path towards restoration.

Not that a quelling of this scale could ever be fully restored."

Puzzle Solution

Should the player haven't figure out a way to complete a level, they may refer to the solutions below.

Year 1


  • Head inside the cabin and go to the study room (the room where the player finds the time machine in) on the left side. The player will see a time machine that has a lever on it. Flip the lever to progress.


  • Locate a twine (A fire lighter) within the bedroom's drawer which is the room on the right side of the room that has the time machine. Use the twine to burn the rope tied to the lever.


  • Locate a key under a pillow on the red chair near the fireplace. Use the key to open the lock on the lever.


  • Grab the twine located in the study room (the room where the player finds the time machine in) . Use the twine to light up the thatch bundle (bundle of hays) located near the campfire near the frozen pond. Grab the burning thatch bundle and place them inside the campfire. Once the ice on the frozen pond has fully melted, the player has to grab the key from the pond to open the lock on the lever.

Year 2


The magic lock can be broken by a series of opening and closing of certain doors and drawer. Start by opening/closing the door of the bedroom. Then, move the door on the left of the study room. Then, move the left drawer of the short shelf in front of the previous door. Finally, move the window of the bedroom.


The player will have to find 6 objects that can be filled with water. The following objects are; a bucket, a watering can, a cup, a bowl, a cylinder glass container and a glass jar. Then, the player has to head to the well to fill all of them with waters. Once all has been filled, the magic lock will be broken. Afterward, the player will have to find a magnet in the study room to get the key for the lock from the well. Place the magnet on the bucket hook (a rope with a hook on the well). Pulley down the magnet on the hook until a "clinching" noise is heard. Pulley up the magnet which should have a key on it, grab the key from the magnet.


Grab the twine from within the cabin. Use the twine to burn 6 leaf piles all around the cabin. Then, grab a log from the log shed on the side of the cabin and place one of each at the 6 burned leaf piles.

