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Component image 
EyeManager component as seen in the Scene Inspector

Eye see you

— Groxxy

The Eye Manager Component is a component that is used for configuring the Eyes of an avatar, Both supporting simulated eye-movement, and real eye tracking using a headset with built in eye tracking sensors such as the HTC Vive pro eye.

This component is automatically set up by default when setting up an avatar with detectable eyes and blink shape keys.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
TargetPoint raw output of Float3
LeftEyeTargetPoint raw output of Float3
RightEyeTargetPoint raw output of Float3
LeftEyeClose raw output of Float
RightEyeClose raw output of Float
CombinedEyeClose raw output of Float
LeftEyePupilSizeMillimeters raw output of Float
RightEyePupilSizeMillimeters raw output of Float
CombinedEyePupilSizeMillimeters raw output of Float
LeftEyeWiden raw output of Float
RightEyeWiden raw output of Float
CombinedEyeWiden raw output of Float
LeftEyeSqueeze raw output of Float
RightEyeSqueeze raw output of Float
CombinedEyeSqueeze raw output of Float
LeftEyeFrown raw output of Float
RightEyeFrown raw output of Float
CombinedEyeFrown raw output of Float
EyeDataSource IEyeDataSourceComponent Eye tracking data
SimulatingUser User Determines the user simulating the eye manager
SimulateOnHost Bool Determines if the eye manager is simulated by the host
IgnoreLocalUserHead Bool Determines if the eye manager should ignore the local user's head
UserHeadWeight Float Weight for looking at other user heads
UserHandWeight Float Weight for looking at hands
GrippingHandWeight Float Weight for looking at hands that are gripping
CameraWeight Float Weight for looking at cameras
ForcedCameraWeight Float Weight for looking at cameras that are forcing eyes to look at it
EyeReference Slot Slot that is used for referencing the origin of eye tracking data
EyeSeparation Float Seperation of the eyes
SaccadeSpeed Float Speed the eyes move during saccades (does not affect eye tracking)
LookTargetRoot Slot Slot that the eyes should look at
LookTargetLocalPoint Float3
LeftEyeTargetOffset Float3
RightEyeTargetOffset Float3
LookTargetOffset Float3
MinRandomSaccadeInterval Float Minimum time in seconds between random saccades
MaxRandomSaccadeInterval Float Maximum time in seconds between random saccades
MinTargetSaccadeInterval Float Minimum time in seconds between Targeting saccades
MaxTargetSaccadeInterval Float Maximum time in seconds between Targeting saccades
MaxRandomSaccadeOffset Float Maximum distance the eyes can randomly saccade off of the center of a target
DefaultAcceptAngle Float Maximum acceptance angle for random objects
DefaultBreakAngle Float Maximum angle before breaking eye contact with random objects
HeadAcceptAngle Float Maximum acceptance angle for Players
HeadBreakAngle Float Maximum angle before breaking eye contact with Players
CameraAcceptAngle Float Maximum acceptance angle for cameras
CameraBreakAngle Float Maximum angle before breaking eye contact with cameras
HandAcceptAngle Float Maximum acceptance angle for hands
HandBreakAngle Float Maximum angle before breaking eye contact with hands
DistanceCompensationExp Float
LeftEyeCloseOverride Float Overrides the left eyelid when open
RightEyeCloseOverride Float Overrides the right eyelid when open
MinBlinkInterval Float Minimum interval between blinks in seconds
MaxBlinkInterval Float Maximum interval between blinks in seconds
BlinkMinSpeed Float Minimum Speed for blinks
BlinkMaxSpeed Float Maximum Speed for blinks
BlinkSpeedSpread Float
MinPupilSize Float Minimum pupil size
MaxPupilSize Float Maximum pupil size
PupilSizeNoiseSpeed Float How fast the random pupil noise will move
PupilSizeNoiseOffset Float
EyeTrackingPupilSizeSmoothSpeed Float Smooth speed for tracked pupil dilation
MiniExpressionProbability Float chance for a miniexpression to occur
MiniExpressionInterval Float Interval between attempting to do a miniexpression
MiniExpressions list of MiniExpression



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