The SyncRef<T> type is a type used to contain a reference to a Reference Type T
The specific, non-generic SyncRef type is an alias for SyncRef<IWorldElement>. It is compatible with its generic counterpart and objects of either SyncRef or SyncRef<IWorldElement> can be casted between the two types perfectly fine.
Derivation Hierarchy
- SyncElement
- ConflictingSyncElement
- SyncField<T>
- Sync<T>, for value types
- SyncRef<T>, for reference types. Derives from SyncField<RefID>
- SyncType, for the Type type. Derives from SyncField<Type>
- SyncDelegate<T>, for Sync Delegates. Derives from SyncField<WorldDelegate>
- SyncField<T>
- ConflictingSyncElement
Unique Interfaces Implemented
- ISyncRef<T>
- ISyncRef
- IWorldElementReceiver
- IField<RefID>
- IValue<RefID>