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Component image 
Audio Reverb Zone component as seen in the Scene Inspector

Audio reverb zones are used to make audio have an echo effect or a tin can sounding effect. Currently, audio reverb zones only work on un-spacialized audio, like global voice mode.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
MinDistance Float the minimum distance that this will affect audio sources from its slot position in global space. Below this distance audio sources will be 100% affected by this reverb zone.
MaxDistance Float The maximum distance that this will affect audio sources from its slot position in global space. From minimum distance to this distance it falls off in power until it hits 0 at this distance.
Room Int The size of the room
RoomHF Int
RoomLF Int
DecayTime Float how long it takes for sound to fully die out in the room
DecayHFRatio Float
Reflections Int max reflections that can happen in the room.
ReflectionsDelay Float the delay before reflections also known as echos come back and repeat themselves.
Reverb Int how many times the sound can reverb
ReverbDelay Float the time it takes for the reverb to return
HFReference Float
LFReference Float
Diffusion Float how much the sound will propagate across the room
Density Float how dense the air is in the room.

Sync Delegates

Method Name Method type and Arguments. Description
PresetOff() Action
PresetGeneric() Action
PresetPaddedCell() Action
PresetRoom() Action
PresetBathroom() Action
PresetLivingroom() Action
PresetStoneroom() Action
PresetAuditorium() Action
PresetConcerthall() Action
PresetCave() Action
PresetArena() Action
PresetHangar() Action
PresetCarpetedHallway() Action
PresetHallway() Action
PresetStoneCorridor() Action
PresetAlley() Action
PresetForest() Action
PresetCity() Action
PresetMountains() Action
PresetQuarry() Action
PresetPlain() Action
PresetParkingLot() Action
PresetSewerPipe() Action
PresetUnderwater() Action
PresetDrugged() Action
PresetDizzy() Action
PresetPsychotic() Action



Can be used to make global audio echo or sound like it's inside of a tin can.

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