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Revision as of 22:46, 3 March 2024 by PJB (talk | contribs) (Automated: update Fields)

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Component image 
Online Statistics component as seen in the Scene Inspector


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
Timestamp raw output of DateTime
VisibleSessions direct SessionStats
HiddenSessions direct SessionStats
ActiveVisibleSessions direct SessionStats
ActiveHiddenSessions direct SessionStats
RegisteredOnlineUsers raw output of Nullable`1<Int> How many users with a Resonite account are online
TotalOnlineUsers raw output of Nullable`1<Int> How many users are online in total
PresentUsers raw output of Nullable`1<Int>
AwayUsers raw output of Nullable`1<Int>
UsersInVR raw output of Nullable`1<Int>
UsersInScreen raw output of Nullable`1<Int>
UsersOnDesktop raw output of Nullable`1<Int>
UsersOnMobile raw output of Nullable`1<Int>
UsersInVisiblePublicSessions raw output of Nullable`1<Int>
UsersInVisibleSemiAccessibleSessions raw output of Nullable`1<Int>
UsersInHiddenSessions raw output of Nullable`1<Int>
UsersInPrivateSessions raw output of Nullable`1<Int>
UsersInPrivate raw output of Nullable`1<Int>
UsersInLAN raw output of Nullable`1<Int>
UsersInContacts raw output of Nullable`1<Int>
UsersInContactsPlus raw output of Nullable`1<Int>
UsersInRegistered raw output of Nullable`1<Int>
UsersInPublic raw output of Nullable`1<Int> How many users are currently online in public sessions
GraphicalClientUsers raw output of Nullable`1<Int>
ChatClientUsers raw output of Nullable`1<Int>
HeadlessUsers raw output of Nullable`1<Int> How many of the online users are Headless Accounts
BotUsers raw output of Nullable`1<Int>



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