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Component image 
VRIK component as seen in the Scene Inspector



— Epsilion

The VRIK component is used to configure Inverse Kinematics on an avatar, for posing joints based on the position of IK Targets such as a VR HMD, hand tracking, or Vive Trackers

This component is automatically configured when importing a mesh with a detectable humanoid rig, and generally should not be modified unless you know what you are doing.

Documentation on this component may take some time, as it is very complex, and not commonly used. The basis for this component seems to be the VRIK solver developed by Final IK.


All weight values are 1-0, excluding clamps which are inverted 0-1. You can overdrive some of them with interesting results.

Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
AutoUpdate Bool
FixTransformsEnabled Bool Clamps IK transforms to reasonable values and Resets IK every update.
Solver direct IKSolverVR The actual solver that contains most of the fields of this component.
componentInitiated Bool
_drives list of BoneDrive


Most of the complexity in VRIK is actually stored in the IKSolverVR type. And even this is spread across multiple types.

Name Type Description
IKPosition Float3
IKPositionWeight Float Weight of the IK. Makes the bones go back to defaultLocalPositions and defaultLocalRotations as this goes to 0. Also known as default pose.
SimulationSpace Slot The top most hiearchy this solver should simulate in. When on an Avatar this is usually the user's slot when equipped and the avatar root when unequipped.
OffsetSpace Slot
_initiated Bool Whether or not this component is simulating and driving it's fields.
OnPreInitiate delegate of identity UpdateDelegate Currently unused. Fires the SyncDelegate inside when this component is started initializing(usually during loading)
OnPostInitiate delegate of identity UpdateDelegate Currently unused. Fires the SyncDelegate inside when this component is done initializing (usually during loading)
OnPreUpdate delegate of identity UpdateDelegate Sync Delegate usually filled with calls to the VRIKAvatar component.
OnPostUpdate delegate of identity UpdateDelegate Sync Delegate usually filled with calls to the VRIKAvatar component.
root Slot The root of the solver simulation, on an avatar this will be the avatar root when equipped and nothing when dequipped.
BoneReferences direct References
defaultLocalPositions array of Float3 This is internal, and stores the positions the bones should go to as IKPositionWeight goes to 0.
defaultLocalRotations array of FloatQ This is internal, and stores the rotations the bones should go to as IKPositionWeight goes to 0.
DebugVisuals Bool Enables Debug visuals
PlantFeet Bool When enabled, feet positions will be prioritized over anything else including HeadTarget. (Causes issues with walking) If true, will keep the toes planted even if the HeadTarget is out of reach, so this can cause the camera to exit the head if it is too high for the model to reach.
spine direct Spine
leftArm direct Arm
rightArm direct Arm
leftLeg direct Leg
rightLeg direct Leg
locomotion direct Locomotion
ForwardFlipped Bool Swaps the feet
ForceRootHeight Nullable`1<Float> Foot planting height override (Negative numbers cause issues with walking)
LocomotionPositionOffset Float3
DefaultRootPosition Float3
DefaultRootRotation FloatQ


Name Type Description
root Slot
pelvis Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped Hips BodyNode.
spine Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped Spine BodyNode.
chest Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped Chest BodyNode.
neck Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped Neck BodyNode.
head Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped Head BodyNode.
leftShoulder Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped LeftShoulder BodyNode.
leftUpperArm Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped LeftUpperArm BodyNode.
leftForearm Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped LeftLowerArm BodyNode.
leftHand Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped LeftHand BodyNode.
rightShoulder Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped RightShoulder BodyNode.
rightUpperArm Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped RightUpperArm BodyNode.
rightForearm Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped RightLowerArm BodyNode.
rightHand Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped RightHand BodyNode.
leftThigh Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped LeftUpperLeg BodyNode.
leftCalf Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped LeftLowerLeg BodyNode.
leftFoot Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped LeftFoot BodyNode.
leftToes Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped LeftToes BodyNode.
rightThigh Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped RightUpperLeg BodyNode.
rightCalf Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped RightLowerLeg BodyNode.
rightFoot Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped RightFoot BodyNode.
rightToes Slot Usually is set to the avatar's mapped RightToes BodyNode.


Name Type Description
Initiated Bool
HeadTarget Slot This slot is used to position the head when set. When unset the head position is determined by IKPositionHead and IKRotationHead.
PelvisTarget Slot This slot is used to position the pelvis when set. When unset the pelvis position is determined by IKPositionPelvis and IKRotationPelvis.
PositionWeight Float Positional weight of the HeadTarget.
RotationWeight Float Rotational weight of the HeadTarget.
PelvisPositionWeight Float Positional weight of the PelvisTarget.
PelvisRotationWeight Float Rotational weight of the PelvisTarget.
ChestGoal Slot If ChestGoalWeightis greater than 0, the chest will be turned towards this slot when set. When unset, GoalPositionChest is used as a position to turn towards.
ChestGoalWeight Float Weight of turning the chest towards the ChestGoal.
MinHeadHeight Float Minimum Head height allowed by the IK solver (Nonfunctional)
BodyPosStiffness Float How much the body will try to move with the HeadTarget or with IKPositionHead and IKRotationHead if HeadTarget is unset.
BodyRotStiffness Float How much the body will try to rotate with the HeadTarget or with IKPositionHead and IKRotationHead if HeadTarget is unset.
NeckStiffness Float How much the chest will rotate when the head is rotated.
RotateChestByHands Float How much the chest rotates based on hand movement.
ChestClampWeight Float How much the chest can rotate relative to the head with 0 being full movement and 1 being no movement. A value of 0.5 allows 90 degrees of rotation for the chest relative to the head. A value of 0 allows 180 degrees and a value of 1 means the chest will be locked relative to the head.
HeadClampWeight Float How much the head can rotate relative to the HeadTarget or with IKPositionHead and IKRotationHead if HeadTarget is unset with 0 being full movement and 1 being no movement. A value of 0.5 allows 90 degrees of rotation for the head relative to the target. A value of 0 allows 180 degrees and a value of 1 means head rotation will be locked to the target.
MoveBodyBackWhenCrouching Float How much the body will move backwards when crouching
MaintainPelvisPosition Float How much the pelvis will move with the feet instead of the HeadTarget or with IKPositionHead and IKRotationHead if HeadTarget is unset.
MaxRootAngle Float How much the HeadTarget or with IKPositionHead and IKRotationHead if HeadTarget is unset must rotate for the whole body to rotate (in degrees).
IKPositionHead Float3 The solved position for the head. Driven.
IKRotationHead FloatQ The solved rotation for the head. Driven.
IKPositionPelvis Float3 The solved position for the pelvis. Driven.
IKRotationPelvis FloatQ The solved rotation for the pelvis. Driven.
GoalPositionChest Float3 The solved goal position for the chest. Driven.
headHeight Float Head height while standing. Used for calculating MoveBodyBackWhenCrouching.
anchorRelativeToHead FloatQ Root rotation relative to HeadTarget or with IKPositionHead and IKRotationHead if HeadTarget is unset.
pelvisRelativeRotation FloatQ Pelvis rotation relative to HeadTarget or with IKPositionHead and IKRotationHead if HeadTarget is unset.
chestRelativeRotation FloatQ Chest rotation relative to HeadTarget or with IKPositionHead and IKRotationHead if HeadTarget is unset.
chestForward Float3 Chest Forward Vector
pelvisForward Float3 Pelvis Forward Vector


Contains parameters for the two arms: leftArm and rightArm.

Name Type Description
Initiated Bool
Target Slot The target for the arm's hand. It will use this if set, or PositionWeight and RotationWeight if unset.
BendGoal Slot The arm's elbow will be bent towards this slot if BendGoalWeight > 0, and the slot is set. Otherwise BendGoalPosition is used as a bend position.
PositionWeight Float Positional weight of the Target.
RotationWeight Float Rotational weight of the Target.
ShoulderRotationMode ShoulderRotationMode Shoulder rotation method. Pitch/yaw is more accurate, while From/to is simpler.
ShoulderRotationWeight Float How much the arm's shoulder should move based on Hand position.
BendGoalWeight Float if greater than 0, will bend the elbow towards the BendGoal slot if set otherwise BendGoalPosition is used
SwivelOffset Float Rotation offset for the arm's elbow in degrees.
WristToPalmAxis Float3 Palm Direction; local axis of the hand bone that points from the wrist towards the palm. Used for defining hand bone orientation. (Higher values on the Y axis increase the amount the arms move with your controllers)
PalmToThumbAxis Float3 Thumb Direction; local axis of the hand bone that points from the palm towards the thumb. Used for defining hand bone orientation.
ArmLengthMlp Float Arm Length Multiplier. Used to make the arm shorter/longer. Works by displacement of hand and forearm local position.
StretchCurve direct SyncCurve`1<Float> Unsupported. Would evaluate stretching of the arm by target distance relative to arm length. Value at time 1 represents stretching amount at the point where distance to the target is equal to arm length. Value at time 2 represents stretching amount at the point where distance to the target is double the arm length. Value represents the amount of stretching. Linear stretching would be achieved with a linear curve going up by 45 degrees. Increase the range of stretching by moving the last key up and right at the same amount. Smoothing in the curve can help reduce elbow snapping (start stretching the arm slightly before target distance reaches arm length).
IKPosition Float3 The solved position for the arm's hand. Driven.
IKRotation FloatQ The solved rotation for the arm's hand. Driven.
BendGoalPosition Float3 The solved position for the bend goal. Driven.
TwistRelaxWeight Float How much the forearm twists towards the wrist
TwistCrossfade Float Weight of the forearm twisting
TwistAngleOffset Float Angle offset of the forearm twisting
chestForwardAxis Float3
chestUpAxis Float3
forearmTwistAxis Float3
forearmAxis Float3
axisRelativeToUpperArm Float3
axisRelativeToHand Float3


Name Value Description
YawPitch 0
FromTo 1


Contains parameters for the two legs: leftLeg and rightLeg.

Name Type Description
Initiated Bool
Target Slot The target for the left foot/toe. This isn't the left foot tracker itself, but a child Slot parented to it so you could adjust its position/rotation to match the orientation of the foot/toe bone. If LeftToes is assigned, the solver will match the left toe bone to this target. If no LeftToes is assigned, LeftFoot will be used instead. Note: on my own avatar, this is set to null. It's possible that this value isn't used, and instead the left foot slot of the User is used.
BendGoalPosition Float3 The solved position for the bend goal. Driven.
BendGoal Slot The left knee will be bent towards this slot if BendGoalWeight > 0 if set. otherwise BendGoalPosition is used.
PositionWeight Float Positional weight of the Target.
RotationWeight Float Rotational weight of the Target.
BendGoalWeight Float if greater than 0, will bend the left knee towards the BendGoal slot if set otherwise BendGoalPosition is used.
SwivelOffset Float Rotation offset for the left knee in degrees.
CalfBendNormal Float3
IKPosition Float3 The solved position for the left foot/toe. Driven.
IKRotation FloatQ The solved rotation for the left foot/toe. Driven.


Name Type Description
Weight Float
FootDistance Float Tries to maintain this distance between where each foot will attempt to plant themselves.
StepThreshold Float How far you have to move for the feet to take a step (re-plant themselves).
AngleThreshold Float How much you have to rotate for the feet to take a step (re-plant themselves).
ComAngleMlp Float Multiplier angle of the (center of mass minus the center of pressure) vector. Larger value makes the character step sooner if losing balance.
MaxVelocity Float Maximum magnitude of head/hand target velocity for prediction.
VelocityFactor Float How much the feet will use your current head/hand target velocity to predict where you're stepping.
MaxLegStretch Float How much your leg can stretch before it attempts to take a step. 1 means fully stretched.
RootSpeed Float How fast the pelvis and legs will move to catch up to the HMD; the speed of lerping the root of the character towards the horizontal mid-point of the footsteps.
StepSpeed Float How fast the foot planter will move the feet to their new position when re-planting
StepHeight direct SyncCurve`1<Float> The height of the foot by normalized step progress (0 - 1).
HeelHeight direct SyncCurve`1<Float> The height offset of the heel by normalized step progress (0 - 1).
RelaxLegTwistMinAngle Float How much your HMD has to rotate before your feet begin to rotate towards your HMD without stepping; rotates the foot while the leg is not stepping to relax the twist rotation of the leg if ideal rotation is past this angle.
RelaxLegTwistSpeed Float How fast the feet can rotate while on the ground; the speed of rotating the foot while the leg is not stepping to relax the twist rotation of the leg.
StepInterpolation InterpolationMode The type of interpolation the feet will use during stepping.
Offset Float3 Offset for feet planting relative to your HMD
LeftFootOffset Float3
RightFootOffset Float3
OnLeftFootstep delegate of identity Action This is very finicky, and can be used to fire sounds or other Action sync delegates when the left foot steps.
OnRightFootstep delegate of identity Action This is very finicky, and can be used to fire sounds or other Action sync delegates when the right foot steps.
_leftFootstep direct Footstep
_rightFootstep direct Footstep


Name Type Description
_initialized Bool
footRelativeToRoot FloatQ
footGroundHeight Float


Name Type Description
Position field drive of Float3
Rotation field drive of FloatQ



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