All translations

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Found 3 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)[[File:CopyRecordUrlButton.png|600px|Dashboard on the "Session" tab and the "Settings" selected with the button "Copy Record URL" highlighted]]
 h French (fr)[[File:CopyRecordUrlButton.png|600px|Tableau de bord sur l'onglet "Sessions" et "Paramètres" sélectionné avec le bouton "Copier l'URL" mis en valeur]]
 h Korean (ko)[[File:CopyRecordUrlButton.png|600px|'세션' 탭의 대시보드에서 '설정' 버튼을 선택하고 '참조 경로(Record URL) 복사' 버튼이 강조 표시된 상태]]