All translations

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Found 10 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Czech (cs)[[List of Public Folders|Seznam veřejných složek]]
 h German (de)[[List of Public Folders|Public Folder Liste]]
 h English (en)[[List of Public Folders]]
 h French (fr)[[List of Public Folders|Liste de dossiers publics]]
 h Italian (it)[[List of Public Folders|Elenco delle Cartelle Pubbliche]]
 h Japanese (ja)[[List of Public Folders|主なパブリックフォルダの一覧]]
 h Korean (ko)[[List of Public Folders|공개 폴더 목록]]
 h Dutch (nl)[[List of Public Folders|Lijst van publieke mappen]]
 h Polish (pl)[[List of Public Folders|Lista Folderów Publicznych]]
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)[[列出的公共文件夹]]