Beta 2023.11.7.274

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Revision as of 11:28, 13 January 2024 by J4 (talk | contribs) (add version 2023.11.7.274)
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Beta 2023.11.7.274 is a Resonite version released on 2023/11/07.

The headless branch of this build was re-published due to a typo in one of the build scripts breaking the Linux build.

The following notes were sent by Frooxius:

First build that I made on my laptop while in the US!
I'm sorry it took so long, it took a bit to sort out the build issues, go through our dependencies and update them, but now I'll be able to make builds way faster that everything is working again, plus we're a fair bit closer automating the builds completely in the future as well. There's been a lot of changes in the background too to cleanup and improve our build process, which you can't directly see, but that will make stuff easier for us going forward.
This build is mostly dependency updates - some libraries got updated to latest versions (like Assimp for model importing, MessageFormat.NET, which now includes more comprehensive set of pluralizers) and so on. I'll start working on a number of issues and features tomorrow now that build process is out of the way.
Keep an eye out on any issues, since a lot of stuff got updated, some things might've broken. I did a pretty thorough testing, but it's possible I missed some things.

New features:

  • DestroyPreservingAssets() on a Slot method has been exposed to the data model (exposed by @probableprime)
    • Note if using ProtoFlux you should use appropriate destroy nodes instead of calling this method


  • Updated Assimp library (used to import and export 3D models) to latest from the source
    • This includes hundreds of commits of updates to the library since the previous version
  • Updated AssimpNet wrapper to a different version of the library and reimplemented some changes needed on our end
  • Updated MessageFormat.NET library to latest from source and reimplemented custom modifications
  • Updated Mono.Cecil to 0.11.5
  • Updated LZMA SDK library to latest from NuGet
  • Updated Graph3D.Vrml library to official NuGet
  • Updated TwitchLib library to latest version from offficial NuGet
    • Please note that a lot of the functionality is currently still broken, due to discontinued API's on Twitter. We will need to redesign and reimplement those features so they work again. Chat should still work though.
  • Recategorized some ProtoFlux nodes (based on feedback by @shrikealvaron, categorized by @probableprime)


  • Merged Polish locale update by @foxobread and @alex_2pi
  • Merged Japanese locale update by eai04191
  • Merged Korean locale update by @mirpasec
  • Merged English locale fixes by @adamski2003
  • Merged English locale fix by @probableprime (based on report by Armored Dragon)
  • Merged Russian locale update by @Shadow Panther [RU/EN, UTC+1/+2]
  • Merged German locale update by @muppeq
  • Merged Finnish locale update by @Toni Kat
  • Merged British English locale update by @enverex
  • Merged Norwegian locale update by Reborn


  • Fixed color to short hex conversion returning invalid values at bounds (reported by @imerin., fixed by @probableprime)