CJ Avatar Culling

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The CJ (Creator Jam) Avatar Culling system is a system built to cull user's avatars at a distance to help improve performance for Creator Jams.

The system itself is a fork of Zangooseoo's Avatar Culling system built for a previous MMC. It was then refined and adjusted to fit the needs of Creator Jam by Stellanora and Rucio (members of Creator Jam).

Its features are as follows:

  • Avatar Culling: Culls users at a distance and replaces their avatar with a cut out with their Resonite profile picture, and has a outline that lights up with the user's voice so you can still see who is talking even if they're culled (distance configurable via the context menu settings).
  • Audio Culling: Culls audio for users that have been culled (adjustable distance in context menu settings, distance is separate from culled user distance).
  • Auto culling distance option: will automatically adjust the culling distance so that the nearest users are visible (This adjusts to the amount of users in the world as well, so more people are in view at lower user counts, and less at higher amounts).
  • Auto default distance: Will adjust the default culling distance between Extended (20m) and Medium (10m) based on session user amount (the limit can be adjusted in the Config slot, default is 13 users, and can be disabled there as well).
  • Headless Optimization: Will cull every user in the session for the headless. This can help significantly in reducing CPU usage for headless servers as it will no longer be calculating everyone's IK. There are some drawbacks to this which are outlined in the info tab on the culling system (click the question mark).

More options can be adjusted under the config slot under Avatar Culling System -> System -> Config.

The system can be found in the public folder here: resrec:///U-Crusher/R-15cb3861-dd7d-4b9d-ae99-b75faa23aa74