Image Import

From Resonite Wiki
Revision as of 21:58, 26 January 2024 by AdamSkI2003 (talk | contribs) (mention custom mipmaps on DDS files)

Resonite supports loading and importing a variety of image/texture files, whether individually or as part of a 3D model. Any image can be used as a texture resource for materials, read by scripts, used for sprites or simply displayed on its own (although this requires use of a material and a mesh as well) as a standalone image.

Resonite' image import support is primarily based on the open source FreeImage library, which supports 33 different image formats.

Resonite will automatically translate the image into appropriate Texture Format on import and generate mip maps if necessary. HDR images with 16 or 32 bits per pixels are support as well and are converted into Half floating point precision format.

Files that import as an image will show up as light green in the file browser.

Currently Supported Image Formats

These are based on the FreeImage library. Resonite supports using FreeImage to export any textures as well in the supported formats:

  • BMP files [reading, writing]
  • Dr. Halo CUT files [reading]
  • DDS files [reading, allows custom mipmaps]
  • EXR files [reading, writing]
  • Raw Fax G3 files [reading]
  • GIF files [reading, writing]
  • HDR files [reading, writing]
  • ICO files [reading, writing]
  • IFF files [reading]
  • JBIG files [reading, writing]
  • JNG files [reading, writing]
  • JPEG/JIF files [reading, writing]
  • JPEG-2000 File Format [reading, writing]
  • JPEG-2000 codestream [reading, writing]
  • JPEG-XR files [reading, writing]
  • KOALA files [reading]
  • Kodak PhotoCD files [reading]
  • MNG files [reading]
  • PCX files [reading]
  • PBM/PGM/PPM files [reading, writing]
  • PFM files [reading, writing]
  • PNG files [reading, writing]
  • Macintosh PICT files [reading]
  • Photoshop PSD files [reading]
  • RAW camera files [reading]
  • Sun RAS files [reading]
  • SGI files [reading]
  • TARGA files [reading, writing]
  • TIFF files [reading, writing]
  • WBMP files [reading, writing]
  • WebP files [reading, writing]
  • XBM files [reading]
  • XPM files [reading, writing]