ProtoFlux:Range Loop Int

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Revision as of 18:20, 16 February 2024 by 989onan (talk | contribs) (Almost done, just needs clarification on inclusive or exclusive.)
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Range Loop

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Missing clarification

Range Loop Int is a ProtoFlux node that allows for firing a bunch of executions like a For Loop except that instead of having to go one at a time from 0->count, you can specify a Start (int) number, End (int) number, and a StepSize (int) which all determine the range of numbers that will come out of Current (int) during execution and the distance between each Current (int) outputted.


* (int)

Start Execution of the Range Loop.

Start (int)

The number to start at when executing.

End (int)

The number to end at when executing.

TODO: Is this inclusive or exclusive?

StepSize (int)

How much to add to Start (int) per execution for the Current (int) output number.


LoopStart (Call)

Fires when the loop starts, regardless of executions of the Range Loop.

LoopIteration (Call)

Fires every time Current (int) increases by StepSize (int) and (has just or hasn't/hasn't)? hit the End (int) limit.

TODO: Is this inclusive or exclusive?

LoopEnd (Continuation)

Fires once the loop has finished.

Current (int)

The current number between Start (int) and End (int). has a value during every LoopIteration (Call).
