Compose Finger
Body Nodes
Compose Finger is a ProtoFlux node that allows you to get a body node enum from a FingerType, FingerSegmentType and a Chirality also known as a side.
Finger (FingerType)
The finger you want to get a body node enum for.
Segment (FingerSegmentType)
The segment of the Finger (FingerType) you want to get a body node enum for.
Chirality (Chirality)
Which hand, left or right, you want to get a body node for using Finger (FingerType) and Segment (FingerSegmentType).
* (BodyNode)
The body node enum that is on the finger: Finger (FingerType), on the segment: Segment (FingerSegmentType) on that finger, on the Chirality (Chirality) side of the body.
Example of the Compose Finger node being used in some ProtoFlux code.