Color XFrom Hex Code
Color From Hex Code is a ProtoFlux node that parses a hex color code such as "FFAEBB" into a ColorX.
HexCode (String)
The hex code to turn into a color. Turns this hex code into a color. The code must be a "#" followed by 3, 4, 6 or 8 hexadecimal digits. The 4 and 8 digit forms specify an alpha component, if not given the alpha component is taken to be 1.
Color (ColorX)
A color made from the provided hex code. This value is not defined and may have nonsense values if parsing failed (Parsed = false).
Beware: the resulting color always has the Linear color profile, which is contrary to how hex color codes are usually interpreted.[1]
Parsed (bool)
True if parsing succeeded.
See Also
- Color From Hex Code: for the Color type.