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Component image 
VRIKAvatar component as seen in the Scene Inspector


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
HeightCompensation float
AvatarHeight float
UserResizeThreshold float
FeetIgnoreOtherPlayers bool
FeetCollisionListMode ListFilterMode
FeetCollisionList [[Type:list of Slot|list of Slot]]
HeadMaxFixDistance float
ForceUseFeetProxies bool
ForceUsePelvisProxy bool
ForceUseChestProxy bool
ForceUseElbowProxies bool
ForceUseKneeProxies bool
FeetCalibrated bool
PelvisCalibrated bool
GroundCheckHeightRatio float
FeetHoverHeight float
FeetHoverSmoothSpeed float
MinFeetTransitionSpeed float
MaxFeetTransitionSpeed float
GaitFeetTransitionSpeedMultiplier float
FeetHoverTilt float
LeftFootFloatOffset Float3
RightFootFloatOffset Float3
LeftFootRootHeight float
RightFootRootHeight float
FootFloatSpeed float
FootFloatAngleMagnitude float
FootFloatOffsetMagnitude float
FeetFloatVelocityForce float
FeetFloatVelocityDampeningSpeed float
MaxFeetVelocityOffset float
VelocityAverageRate float
HoverVelocityThreshold float
HorizontalBodyAngle float
SupressWalkAnimationWhenHorizontal bool
AlwaysUseTrackersWhenHorizontal bool
Gaits [[Type:list of Gait|list of Gait]]
GaitTransitionSpeed float
GaitMovementDirectionSmoothSpeed float
RigCollidersRadiusRatio float
LeftHandRotationOffset FloatQ
RightHandRotationOffset FloatQ
CurrentAverageVelocity [[Type:raw output of float|raw output of float]]
CurrentOnGround [[Type:raw output of bool|raw output of bool]]
CurrentGaitIndex [[Type:raw output of int|raw output of int]]
_locomotionController [[Type:LocomotionController|LocomotionController]]
_leftHandNode [[Type:AvatarPoseNode|AvatarPoseNode]]
_rightHandNode [[Type:AvatarPoseNode|AvatarPoseNode]]
_leftElbowNode [[Type:AvatarPoseNode|AvatarPoseNode]]
_rightElbowNode [[Type:AvatarPoseNode|AvatarPoseNode]]
_leftFootNode [[Type:AvatarPoseNode|AvatarPoseNode]]
_rightFootNode [[Type:AvatarPoseNode|AvatarPoseNode]]
_leftKneeNode [[Type:AvatarPoseNode|AvatarPoseNode]]
_rightKneeNode [[Type:AvatarPoseNode|AvatarPoseNode]]
_headNode [[Type:AvatarPoseNode|AvatarPoseNode]]
_pelvisNode [[Type:AvatarPoseNode|AvatarPoseNode]]
_chestNode [[Type:AvatarPoseNode|AvatarPoseNode]]
_headProxy Slot
_pelvisProxy Slot
_chestProxy Slot
_leftHandProxy Slot
_rightHandProxy Slot
_leftElbowProxy Slot
_rightElbowProxy Slot
_leftFootProxy Slot
_rightFootProxy Slot
_leftKneeProxy Slot
_rightKneeProxy Slot
_leftKneeDefaultProxy Slot
_rightKneeDefaultProxy Slot
_headTargetPos [[Type:field drive of Float3|field drive of Float3]]
_headTargetRot [[Type:field drive of FloatQ|field drive of FloatQ]]
_pelvisTargetPos [[Type:field drive of Float3|field drive of Float3]]
_pelvisTargetRot [[Type:field drive of FloatQ|field drive of FloatQ]]
_chestTargetPos [[Type:field drive of Float3|field drive of Float3]]
_leftHandTargetPos [[Type:field drive of Float3|field drive of Float3]]
_leftHandTargetRot [[Type:field drive of FloatQ|field drive of FloatQ]]
_rightHandTargetPos [[Type:field drive of Float3|field drive of Float3]]
_rightHandTargetRot [[Type:field drive of FloatQ|field drive of FloatQ]]
_leftElbowTargetPos [[Type:field drive of Float3|field drive of Float3]]
_rightElbowTargetPos [[Type:field drive of Float3|field drive of Float3]]
_leftFootTargetPos [[Type:field drive of Float3|field drive of Float3]]
_leftFootTargetRot [[Type:field drive of FloatQ|field drive of FloatQ]]
_rightFootTargetPos [[Type:field drive of Float3|field drive of Float3]]
_rightFootTargetRot [[Type:field drive of FloatQ|field drive of FloatQ]]
_leftKneeTargetPos [[Type:field drive of Float3|field drive of Float3]]
_rightKneeTargetPos [[Type:field drive of Float3|field drive of Float3]]
_pelvisPositionWeight [[Type:field drive of float|field drive of float]]
_pelvisRotationWeight [[Type:field drive of float|field drive of float]]
_chestWeight [[Type:field drive of float|field drive of float]]
_locomotionWeight [[Type:field drive of float|field drive of float]]
_leftLegPositionWeight [[Type:field drive of float|field drive of float]]
_leftLegRotationWeight [[Type:field drive of float|field drive of float]]
_rightLegPositionWeight [[Type:field drive of float|field drive of float]]
_rightLegRotationWeight [[Type:field drive of float|field drive of float]]
_leftKneeBendWeight [[Type:field drive of float|field drive of float]]
_rightKneeBendWeight [[Type:field drive of float|field drive of float]]
_leftElbowBendWeight [[Type:field drive of float|field drive of float]]
_rightElbowBendWeight [[Type:field drive of float|field drive of float]]
_leftFootOffset [[Type:field drive of Float3|field drive of Float3]]
_rightFootOffset [[Type:field drive of Float3|field drive of Float3]]
_leftFootRelativeToRoot FloatQ
_rightFootRelativeToRoot FloatQ
_locomotionOffset [[Type:field drive of Float3|field drive of Float3]]
_simplifiedColliderEnabled [[Type:field drive of bool|field drive of bool]]
_rigCollidersEnabledStates [[Type:list of FieldDrive`1<bool>|list of FieldDrive`1<bool>]]
_horizontalTrackingLocked bool



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