
From Resonite Wiki
Revision as of 18:38, 12 April 2024 by ProbablePrime (talk | contribs)

Sauce is the codename for a brand new graphics renderer for Resonite.


Sauce is made by Void Anchor, a separate entity from Resonite and Yellow Dog Man Studios. Its lead developer and owner is Geenz though who is part of the Resonite Team.

Other Team Members:

  • Earthmark

Potential Features

Here's a list of potential features that Sauce will allow:

  • Custom shaders
  • A clustered forward renderer able to support a similar amount of lights to the current deferred renderer
  • .NET 8 compatibility
  • Better compatibility with multi-process architecture plans
  • Mesh shader emulation with compute shaders
  • Compute shaders more generally
  • Enabling (but not shipping with) standalone support

Further Information


Does Yellow Dog Man Studios or Resonite own Sauce/Void Anchor?


Did members of the Resonite Team leave Yellow Dog Man Studios to work on Sauce?


How will Resonite use Sauce if it doesn't own it?

Sauce will be licensed under the TBD License, which allows Resonite to use it without owning it. This is in a similar manner to any of our other dependencies including BEPU Physics, and Lite Net Lib.

Is Yellow Dog Man Studios / Resonite collaborating with Void Anchor?

Yes, we regularly speak and discuss requirements.

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