Beta 2024.4.17.1420

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Revision as of 00:07, 18 April 2024 by J4 (talk | contribs) (add Beta 2024.4.17.1420)
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Beta 2024.4.17.1420 is a Resonite version released on 2024/04/17.

The following notes were sent by Frooxius:

THE TIME HAS COME! The Setting UI rework bears its fruit! You can now configure/disable Motion Blur, Bloom, AO, SSR and Antialiasing!
Thanks to the new system these settings were very easy to add to the system, I've literally implemeneted all of it just today, along with a few other things. I know it took a while to get to this point, but the journey was worth it if you look at all the other things that got improved as well and the good foundations for reworking more UI's that we now have!
With this, the most upvoted GitHub issue is now resolved!
There's still a whole bunch more Setting stuff to come though, so we're not quite done, I just wanted to do these as one of the first.
Hope you all enjoy! And who couldn't enjoy before, you can enjoy now (and maybe support us on Patreon so we can keep doing this 😉

New Features:

  • Added post processing settings (under Graphics)
    • Motion Blur intensity (requested by @Nammi, @rellik66, @Kulza, @Enverex, @troyBORG, Meister1593, CakePost, @Flame Soulis and others, issue #178)
    • Bloom intensity
    • Ambient Occlusion intensity (requested by InconsolableCellist, Sarniwoop, @Nammi, @Gawdl3y, @Furf, @kazu0617, issue #21)
    • Screen Space Reflections
    • Antialiasing (Off, FXAA, CTAA, SMAA and TAA) (requested by @Zyro, issue #244)
  • Added "Capture Private UI" setting for quick photo capture (requested by @troyBORG, issue #139)
  • Added encode format setting to Quick Photo Capture settings (requested by @Shadow Panther [RU/EN, UTC+1/+2], @Banane9, @epicEaston197, issue #870)
  • Added LocaleActiveDriver which allows driving target boolean based on a match of current locale
    • You can either drive exact locale (e.g. en-US) or the main language (just "en", which will match to both "en-US" and "en-GB" for example)
  • Added Highlight support to DataFeedAction items
    • This includes appropriate field on FeedActionInterface
    • This allows certain action items to be highlighted - e.g. when they indicate that they represent an option that's currently active


  • Currently selected locale is now highlighted (based on feedback by @Lux, issue #1701)
    • Note that we'll need to update the template first, so it might take a day or so before this update is reflected in content


  • Hand(Position/Rotation)Smoothing now affects the controller nodes as well (based on report by @Shifty, issue #1691)