Navmesh System

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Revision as of 00:33, 6 June 2024 by Zennirus (talk | contribs)

Navmesh System is a world by TheJebForge for MMC 2024.

Navmesh System
NavMesh System showcase
NavMesh System showcase
Created By
Published On
MMC24, pathfinding, navmesh


The world features a muesum that entails information regarding pathfinding system in video games with examples, audio recordings and a demo of the Navmesh System.

World Content

The world contains visualized examples with audio recording near the entrance of the world that provide explanations regarding pathfinding and Navmesh System. The next room contains a small platform covered with navmesh and an "Agent". The player can wak on the platform and turn on the agent to test the Navmesh System and see how it works in action. Additionally, there are math and models used for development and some work in progress photos and ideas made by TheJebForge of the Navmesh System. The creator also provided their public folder and a tutorial on how to use the Navmesh System.