Drone Sanctuary

From Resonite Wiki
Revision as of 14:07, 7 June 2024 by Zennirus (talk | contribs) (typo)
This world is made by the community.
Drone Sanctuary
A placeholder image for the world
A placeholder image for the world
Created By
Miss Molly
Published On
MMC24, avatars, sanctuary, drone

Drone Sanctuary is a world by Miss Molly for MMC 2024

World Link: resrec:///U-Miss-Molly/R-9094d111-ea0a-4fd3-8018-8bd8e126d8fc


The world features a small black room with a floating hexagonal platform in the middle of the room.

A larger room below which can be entered through the hole in the middle of the room.

There are four avatars and four signs that are around the room.

Fun Fact: The player can ride the MECH DRONEs that hover around in the room.


  • MECH DRONE: resrec:///U-1Pdz1iFUVU0/R-e57066e0-501b-480c-9d6b-e8838831cf82
  • Lil Bumbler: resrec:///U-1Pdz1iFUVU0/R-71b492ab-937b-4a5d-9aaf-458ce48f903d
  • Paper Wasp: resrec:///U-1Pdz1iFUVU0/R-12d043b2-4f00-422a-9fa6-13fd2eb37872
  • Flora Worker: resrec:///U-1Pdz1iFUVU0/R-952b1a6d-4c2e-42dc-8552-4a97b50e6c93

Quote from the Signs

  • " A community of living, feeling beings is a wonderful thing. Each individual, drawn towards a single goal, with only the abilities they have to offer and their potential to grow. The welcoming hands of many, drawing in the individuals to work as a collective. The natural world has found many benefits in mutual survival and collective teamwork. Take for example, ants and aphids! Ants protect the aphids from predator, and in return aphids provide sugars for the ant. Clownfish live within anemones that would normally be deadly to other surrounding life, however for the clownfish it is a sanctuary."
  • " The Metaverse is a place where all can be accepted for who they would like to be. Even through disagreements and clashing, communication and respect should be held as the highest values. Everyone tries their best to be a respected part of the system in the ways that work best for them."
  • " Each mind is in their own right, each mind has an argument. Every being in the overall system has intrinsic value and should be respected for themselves and their part in the universe. If we all played devil's advocate for each other, ( imagined switching lives for a moment and seeing why their morals could be right for them and their current context ). we would not have war. Happiness would flourish."
  • " In every colony, ( consider colonizing a new planet ), each different being must work together to form a coherent system that supports overall life. However, it is required that each individual be unique, and provide their own specialized and needed skills to the system, otherwise the system will never be whole and functionally fall apart."