May 2024 survey

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Revision as of 19:20, 7 June 2024 by J4 (talk | contribs) (add references)

The may 2024 survey was a survey held by the Resonite Team in early 2024 to help decide on the direction of the next major update.


The initial next step after implementing the long-awaited settings UI update, was originally to fully rework the IK[1], but after some consideration, it was decided to let the community decide what should be the next focus, with a new option.

The Vote

The voting lasted two weeks, from 2024/05/21 to 2024/06/04 with the following choices of prioritization:

  • A full rework of the IK system
  • Major performance improvements

A variety of questions about financial support and playability were also asked during the survey.


As of 2024/06/07, the results have yet to be announced by the Resonite Team.


  1. Announcement by Frooxius on Discord (requires an account):