Reports Financiers/Termes

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En lisant ce report, vous aurez peut-être quelques questions sur certains termes. Cette section est ici pour répondre a ces interrogations.


Yellow Dog Man Studio veux payer tous les membres de son équipe un salaire juste directement sur leur compte en banque. C'est ce que ce nombre représente, en argent réel, depuis vos contributions, allant directement chez les membres de l'équipe.

Certains membres ont refusé de recevoir un salaire pour 2024 mais nous espéreront changer ca pour 2025 et au-delà.

Le montant exact des salaires de chaque membre de l'équipe ne sera pas révélé.

COS (Cost of Sales)

This item, generally refers to fees that payment providers and other tools charge us to use them. For example Patreon's cut of your Patreon contribution.

COM (Cost of Marketing)

How much money we're spending on things like advertising, promotion etc.

COGS (Cost of Goods Sold)

This in our case generally refers to the operating expenses of the business, but is scoped to operating expenses that "keep the lights on". Our Servers, Cloud Infrastructure etc are all in this category.

Legal & Accounting

Running a company is complex, we pay both a Financial/Accounting company and a Law firm to help us with these complex issues. Their costs are shown here.


Anything that doesn't really fit into other categories. If there are regular costs in this category we make make additional categories.

EBITDA (Profits)

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization.

This is basically our Gross Profit, after expenses but before interest, taxes etc.