Team Lagom

From Resonite Wiki
Revision as of 08:58, 16 August 2024 by DwaggieMorph (talk | contribs) (Logo added.)
Team Lagom Logo
Team Lagom Logo

Lagom is a Swedish word with a meaning similar to 'just the right amount' or 'not too much, not too little'. In a single word, lagom is said to describe the basis of the Swedish national psyche, one of consensus and equality.

The "Team Lagom" group was first created as a two-man group for the MMC 2023 event and has since continued as a group to do creations together for fun and for events like Creator Jam.

Current Members:

Public Folder:

Team Lagom's public folder: resrec:///G-1Vx8VZmrF8S/R-117FF8B6F31A6A9ECCACDEF863F9AF7246B99A3F2CEEEAA2FE7649E42FA9461A

Items of note:

  • Immersive Story Builder Tool: resrec:///G-1Vx8VZmrF8S/R-f51831ad-af80-461d-b3b6-cf6844f5cb30
    • HamsterBall Vehicle: resrec:///G-1Vx8VZmrF8S/R-af1daf45-dae7-4b9d-b035-90eb49f3f957
    • Bonsai Clicker: resrec:///G-1Vx8VZmrF8S/R-6c233824-1c61-4e22-b918-696bbeee6610
    • Guess The Show: resrec:///G-1Vx8VZmrF8S/R-30ccc5a0-a184-46b5-b3af-556bb1fbe15f


    • MMC 2023: Modular HUD: resrec:///U-DwaggieMorph/R-9eb48c52-1eae-4c8c-94ef-9f3b2f3a0ebd
    • MMC 2024: Immersive Story Builder: resrec:///U-DwaggieMorph/R-2a2effa9-3af3-4210-8929-8dc1f369c0d9


