Tool Shelves

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Revision as of 04:24, 19 August 2024 by AmasterAmaster (talk | contribs) (Added warning note.)
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An image of a simple avatar hand, with the Tool shelf visible near the wrist of the hand.
An example of an avatar's hand with the Tool shelf visible near the wrist.

Tool Shelves are the small and translucent surfaces on the back of your Avatar's hands, it's used to store tools and small items alike.


(Notice: Tool shelves can only be utilized in VR.)

To use your Tool shelves, equip any tool and point your laser at the tool shelf on your offhand, the laser will turn a vibrant blue color. Simply press the Primary action button and watch the tool snap onto your tool shelf.

You can also use this feature to quickly swap between multiple tools. Just equip another tool and point your laser at the tool already on your tool shelf, then press Primary to easily swap between them.

Do not attempt to use tool shelves as a way to hold your UIX panels for interaction with that UI (especially when holding tools). As doing so will instead take your tool and place it exactly where you clicked it, as anything on the tool shelf is an extension of that shelf.


If you wish to visually remove the Tool shelves from your Avatar's hands, simply inspect your avatar and navigate it to one of your Avatar's hands. Find the Slot named "Toolshelf Anchor" and then just disable it's Active state with the checkbox near the top of the Inspector. You may repeat this process for the second hand.