Beta 2024.9.16.715 is a Resonite version released on 2024/09/16.
The following notes were sent by Frooxius:
- Hello everyone! Here's a bunch more tweaks and improvements! I'll be at Eurofurence this week, so there probably won't be too many builds during that, but this should help a bit. I still need to pack and prepare for travel, so this is what it is now, but I'll see if I have time for some things later.
- The procedural animation should be improved some more too, especially when standing still and while in VR, it shouldn't be moving as much anymore.
- Also a bunch of other stuff got merged in, I've been catching up on stuff that's been held by the business stuff.
New Features:
- Implement special handling for when the locomotion animation avatar is considered to be standing still
- The feet use different logic to determine when to move around to provide more natural behavior
- This should eliminate the feet stepping too often while in VR (based on report by @Shifty and general observations, issue #2852)
- This should also eliminate excessive head bobbing when looking around while standing on a spot
- The parameters for this new mechanism have been exposed on the configuration under "Standing Still" section
- Inspector buttons now require lock in to press by default, preventing accidental changes (reported by @Ryuvi, @Jack, @Readun, issue #2594, implemented by @Ryuvi)
- Merged Russian locale update by @Shadow Panther [RU/EN, UTC+1/+2]
- Merged Japanese locale fix by @akiRAM
- Switched to C# 11 language version, fixing handling of delegates (implemented by @Cyro and @Geenz, related code postprocessing issues fixed by @Cyro - issues #2107 and #2108)
- This fixes .NET 8 headless crashing due to Discord SDK not working properly with older versions of the language (reported by @orange, issue #2554)
- Fixed DynamicBlendShapeDriver breaking when one of the blendshapes is not filled in (reported by @Modern, issue #2408, fixed by @Cyro)
- Fixed mesh winding direction on MultiSegmentMesh and the component breaking when sides is set to less than 3 (repoted by @Aegis_Wolf, issue #1994, fixed by @Ryuvi)
- Existing instances of this mesh will have FlipNormalDirection set to true to preserve old behavior
- Fix VR keyboard not being able to copy any text which contains invalid path characters (reported by @Nytra, @sctanf, AlanMoonbase, issue #1206)