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Component image 
Static Mesh component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The StaticMesh component is used to load a static mesh asset from the Uri specified in `URL`

Generally, you will not need to use this component directly, as it is created automatically when importing a new mesh, or when baking a Procedural Mesh


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
URL Uri The Uri pointing to the .meshx asset to be loaded
Readable Bool

Sync Delegates

Method Name Method type and Arguments. Description
ResaveMesh() null Will generate a new asset and URL, without destroying or modifying the previous one.
RecalculateNormals() null Will recalculate all of the vertex normals on the mesh.
RecalculateNormalsMerged() null
RecalculateTangentsMikktspace() null
RecalculateTangentsSimple() null
FlipNormals() null Flips the vertex normals of the mesh (used to fix issues with shadows being on the lit side of a mesh)
ReverseWinding() null Reverses the vertex winding order of the mesh (used to fix issues where mesh is "inside out")
MakeDualSided() null Duplicates all vertices on the mesh, but with an inverted winding, which allows it to be seen from both sides.
ConvertToFlatShading() null Duplicates all shared vertices on the mesh, so that the vertex normals for a given face can be perpendicular, resulting in a faceted (or "flat") look.
ConvertToConvexHull() null
ConvertToPointCloud() null
MergeDoubles() null
StripEmptyBlendshapes() null
StripBlendshapeNormals() null
StripBlendshapeTangents() null
GetBoneList() null
GetBoneData() null
TrimBoneWeightCount() null Trims the number of bones affecting any vertex in the mesh to 1, 2, 3 or 4 Bones.
ScaleUVs() null Multiplies the texture coordinates of the mesh by the given value.


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