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Component image 
Render Material Override component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The RenderMaterialOverride Component is a more stability friendly version of the RenderTransformOverride. This component allows for overriding

Note: This only overrides materials properly if all Contexts are used, with a component for each one.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
Context RenderingContext The context in which to override the materials of Renderer with the list of Overrides.
Renderer MeshRenderer The renderer to override materials for.
Overrides list of MaterialOverride A list of materials to override during rendering in a Context context.


Name Type Description
Index Int The material index on Renderer to override.
Material Material The material to override Renderer's materials for material Index.


Used to hide materials or change them in a mirror. like showing an evil version of yourself in a mirror, or to hide your head material from your own viewpoint


See Also