The Hidden Star Theater

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This world is made by the community.
The Hidden Star Theater
Created By
Published On
world, social, movie, theater, media

The Hidden Star Theater is a social and movie world designed for users to gather, be social, and watch movies & shows together. This is an ambitious project by AmasterAmaster, as they wanted to make a movie world that was equivalent or better than other known worlds on other platforms.

There is a discord server dedicated to this theater. Feel free to join in, and discuss all about your favorite media and/or make a suggestion that you think would be a great addition to be added to the collection of content.



There are various rooms in the theater and some features are related to the respective rooms.


The lobby is where users spawn in and wait for others while having conversations. This is where users can pick up popcorn and soda before the featured flick begins. Movie Info, World credits, and other information boards are here to inform the user.

Seating Area

The seating area in the Hidden Star Theater
The seating area in the Hidden Star Theater

The main area to watch movies in, users can sit in the seats in the front or the back of the room, or rest on the (togglable) beds on the front row. This also contains the media menu to select from a wide selection to watch on the big screen.

Lounge (Coming Soon)

This room is going to have a separate video screen that users can play any video players they spawn into the world.

Dev Room

Sometimes there will be a secret room that opens up and people can teleport into using a special door that only appears when the room activates. This is a wide and spacious room that allows world builders to work on new features and bug fixes for the world.


Media Menu

The Hidden Star Theater Media Menu.
The Hidden Star Theater Media Menu.

The theater comes with a Media Menu (found in the seating room) that allows the user to browse and select any movie or show that they wish to watch with themself or with friends.

There are tons of features with just this panel alone, here is a list of what it can do:

  • Standard Media Player Controls: Similar to how video players already work, controlling the video on the big screen.
  • Media Player User Lock: Locks the menu to the user that pressed the lock button. (Can only be unlocked by the same user or world moderators).
  • Search Feature: Entering a search term then pressing the "Search (Collection)" button, will show matching results for content.
  • Link Loading: Entering a link in the search bar then pressing the "Load Link" button, will make the media menu search for the link location and return with any found video.
  • Discord Requesting: Entering a name that you wish to be added to the collection then pressing the "Request" button, will send a message to the discord's suggestions channel.
  • Youtube Searching: Entering a search term and then pressing the "Search (YouTube)" button, will search YouTube and return with 50 results in a side panel.
  • Youtube Playlist Support: Entering a YouTube playlist will make a side panel show up next to the media menu with the list of videos from that playlist.
  • Trailers: A user can click on the "Watch Random Trailer" and a random trailer will play. If a user clicks on a content button without the "Auto-Play Media" button enabled will give the user the option to watch a trailer of that content.
  • Social & Support Buttons: There is a Discord button, as well as support buttons (Patron, Paypal, Twitch, Streamlabs, & Ko-Fi)
  • Refresh Button: This resets internal variables and refreshes the media menu.
  • Next & Previous Video Buttons: This allows the user to skip forward or backward videos in a collection or series.
  • Paging System: Pages the list of content for the user with the optional amount of items per page.
  • Filter System: Allows the user to filter down the huge collection to specific criteria (language, spelling, year, genre, etc)
  • Copy & Paste: There are convenient copy and past buttons for the search bar on the media menu.
  • Auto-Play Videos: When a content button is pressed, automatically start the video.
  • Auto-Play Next Media: When any video is finished playing, play the next one in the list.
  • Force 3D Mode: When enabled, makes the video into a 3D video (VR only!)
  • Loop Media: When enabled, plays the content again.
  • Stream Mode: Tells Resonite if the video should be streamed or downloaded first then play it.
  • Sponsor Block: Skips sponsor spots on videos (YouTube only!)
  • Trailer Preroll: If enabled, shows the number of trailers before playing content, similar to an authentic theater experience.
  • Playback Engine Selection: Allows the user to select a video playback engine to play videos with in resonite.
  • Fancy Lighting: Makes the world have lighting effects when playing videos.
  • Captions: Shows captions to users that watches videos that support it, as well as picking a language for the captions.
  • Screen Brightness Control: Controls the brightness of the video when watching.
  • Media Menu Endpoints: Usually for developers and world builders, this allows the user to hook up this menu and reference assets and connections from this media menu to their own video screens.
  • Media Details: Gives the user information about the video they are watching.

Context Menu

The Context Menu has extra settings that connect to the Media Menu and the world.

Local Video Resetting

One major feature that helps combating video and audio desync is the Local Video Reset feature, allowing the user to press a button and reset the video for only their side, resyncing it.

Focus on the screen (Desktop Only!)

You can UI Focus onto the theater screen to have a better view of the video, this will also reduce distractions that are around you while watching.


No content is stored in the world, all content is accessible and watchable through links that users input using the media menu provided or custom media menus that users replace it with. Links comprise of actual locations or streams from the user.

There is a wide selection of content that is available in the collection. Users are encourages to check out, watch, and enjoy the content provided here. The list of collections currently available are 3D Movies, Anime, Cartoons, Movies, Music, TV, & YouTube. If there is something missing in the collection, feel free to make a suggestion in the discord server, contact AmasterAmaster directly, or use the media menu in the world to send the suggestion.