Adult Content Session Matrix

From Resonite Wiki

In order to provide some assistance, presented below is a table showing the sessions that can and cannot contain adult content. This table is derived from the guidelines but is not actually part of the guidelines itself.

When using this table for your sessions, keep in mind that it is still possible for activity and sessions that break the guidelines to still occur. Please use this table for advice but always refer to the full guidelines

If you have further questions please contact Moderation via the ticket system.

Session visibility Not hidden Hidden Cloud variable controlled access
Not hidden Hidden
Anyone No Not recommended** No Yes
Registered Users No Not recommended** No Yes
Contacts+ No Not recommended** No Yes
Contacts Maybe* Yes Maybe* Yes
LAN No Yes No Yes
Private Yes Yes Yes Yes

In all cases, users must be 18+ and have consented to see adult content.

* All users on your contacts list must be 18+ and have consented to see adult content.

** Users in your session can invite other users who must also have consented and be 18+. If you cannot be certain of this. Don’t use it.