
From Resonite Wiki
This article is satire, it doesn't represent reality and is designed to provide humor or entertainment.

Anomaly 002 is an unknown entity that exhibits immense time pressure to tasks, jobs, or other work-related activities. Many people utter the word "deadline" as a way to describe this entity, as it does not have a name, and cannot be referenced by other means. Attempting to reference the entity by other ways besides this has resulted in more panicked responses.

This anomaly can only be felt, as it does not have a physical form, nor can it be heard except for mental telepathy. The intentions of this anomaly are unknown, but it seems to be benevolent, as the results of a "Update Event" gets caused or delayed by this entity, usually bringing fourth from its demands such as new features that enter Resonite.

This anomaly can make people hallucinate when nearby its radius of influence, with the following symptoms:

  • Making them work more often.
  • Making them work on other things besides what was planned.
  • Making them worry about a conceived (yet, not entirely known) deadline.
  • Making them think of new tasks to do (that may or may not be feasible within a time frame).
  • Making them ██████████████████████████████████████████████
  • Making them write Wiki articles about them.

Due to the concern of researchers looking too closely at this, they started working too hard to get to the bottom of what this anomaly is. It is ADVISED not to research this entity! Once you or it notice that you are researching it, you will fall victim to it and may start working yourself to exhaustion. Others started calling it more than what it is, such as an "entity", "mysterious benefactors", a "business", or a "shadow government", or in very rare circumstances "God" or ███████████.