
From Resonite Wiki
This article is satire, it doesn't represent reality and is designed to provide humor or entertainment.

Anomaly 3.40282347E+38 manifests as a series of thresholds within a Resonite Session. When these thresholds are crossed it's effects can begin to be observed.


The exact threshold's positions are still pending extended observation and testing, however for general guidance, the thresholds can be found and crossed by:

  • Journeying too far from a world origin in any direction
  • Shrinking too small or too large


Anomaly 3.40282347E+38's effects get worse the further you venture past the thresholds.

Examples of it's effects are:

  • Objects and people appearing distorted and wobbly
  • Items disappearing and reappearing randomly
  • The physical laws of reality bending

Anomaly 3.40282347E+38 's ID Number

Anomaly 3.40282347E+38, is the Anomaly with the largest ID Number. It was assigned this number as a reference to the underlying reasons that it occurs, which is due to Floating Point Arithmetic.

3.40282347E+38 is the largest number able to be stored within a C# float.

Further Study

Currently researchers and users studying this phenomenon have called it Floating Point and attempted to document it, however some researchers traveled too deep and have lost their minds, hopes, and ███████, and have yet to recover from the anomaly's "floating" properties.