
From Resonite Wiki
This article is satire, it doesn't represent reality and is designed to provide humor or entertainment.

Anomaly 625, is a physical phenomenon that occurs on Resonite. Its exact nature or identity is unknown due to the nature of its appearance affecting observational capabilities.


Anomaly 625 randomly appears in Resonite Sessions. It creates a bubble of distorted space time that slowly halts a Session. For each person in its range of effect they witness time as though it has been frozen. The user can move around and observe other people or items but everything except for them appears frozen in time.

This effect is local to the observer, with each person experiencing it as though they are the only one who is un-frozen.

After 20-30 seconds of Anomaly 625's presence, the Resonite Session usually ends and closes, booting everyone to the next session in their open session list.

Rumor has it that in rare occasions the user will be trapped in the frozen state of the session forever.


Anomaly 625, appears to prefer high population sessions with users from multiple countries or geographic areas.


Occasionally, Anomaly 625 fails to completely take a hold of a session. In these cases, you experience a variant of Anomaly 625 called Anomaly 625-B

Anomaly 625-B

Anomaly 625-B behaves identically to Anomaly 625 however, instead of the Session closing after 20-30 seconds a brief burst of super-accelerated time space emerges.

This causes users in its range of effect to speak very fast and move around in the session almost like they are teleporting.