Beta 2023.10.13.202

From Resonite Wiki

Beta 2023.10.13.202 is a Resonite version released on 2023/10/13.

It is compatible with the previous build, Beta 2023.10.10.51.

The following notes were sent by Frooxius:

Relatively small update still. We're still busy sorting out some post-launch issues, user accounts, people not getting Patreon rewards, issues with the asset variant system processing and so on.
Thank you everyone for being patient with this, we know everyone's excited to get juicy updates, cool new features and improvements, but our current goals is to make sure everyone's sorted out and things are stable enough. We'll get to the more fun stuff when we can!
Compatible with current build.

New features:

  • Added copy button for text messages (I've been busy sorting out a bunch of Patreon linking issues and I need to copy some diagnostic data we get through the bot, so I really needed this one)
    • To copy message, hover over it, which will make a copy button appear
  • Added more internal tooling to help resolve Patreon linking issues
  • Added additional internal tools for handling issues with user accounts


  • Merged new English strings by @probableprime and @ryuvi
  • Merged Spanish locale update by @Ruz🦌🦊
  • Merged Finnish locale update by @Toni Kat
  • Merged Brazilian Portugese locale update by @aragubas
  • Merged Korean locale update by @mirpasec
  • Merged Russian locale update by @Shadow Panther [RU/EN, UTC+1/+2] and @stanislavskii
  • Merged German locale update by @muppeq
  • Merged Japanese locale update by @kazu0617
  • Merged Esperanto locale update by @_deltawolf, RobertBaruch and @jackalgirl7


  • Asset variant system will now process deferred variants (e.g. mobile ones) once the normal queue is processed
  • Fixed asset variant system not properly returning new receipt for asset variants that need their computation extended, resulting in a number of duplicated computations
  • Registration/Login errors are now displayed as modal (implemented by @probableprime)
  • Asset variant system will now process deferred variants (e.g. mobile ones) once the normal queue is processed


  • Fixed asset variant system not properly returning new receipt for asset variants that need their computation extended, resulting in a number of duplicated computations
  • Fixed world RecordURL/Path nodes not checking against null, resulting in exceptions and crashes (reported by @stiefeljackal, fixed by @probableprime)
  • Fixed home world name using the UserID instead of Username (fixed by @probableprime)