Beta 2024.1.26.617

From Resonite Wiki

Beta 2024.1.26.617 is a Resonite version released on 2024/01/26.

The following notes were sent by Frooxius:

Hello everyone! This is mostly just small bugfix release, cleaning up a few things. I'm trying to put more of my focus now on the Settings UI rework, but these things were fairly important to cleanup and polish some recent changes.

New Features:

  • Add "Replace from clipboard" button to StaticTexture2D (requested by lxw404, issue #1237)


  • When pasting texture from clipboard, the button will indicate that it's processing now and disable itself until processing is done


  • Merged Japanese locale update by @Aesc
  • Merged Korean locale update by @MirPASEC
  • Merged German locale update by @Muppeq
  • Merged French locale update by @Jae “awa” J4


  • Fixed new instances of a record failing to sync after the original with same ID has been deleted in the cloud
    • This fixes cloud home not syncing after the original is deleted (reported by @Virerite, issue #1202)
  • Remove attempts to get stack trace from main thread when the engine is unresponsive & avoid aborting running ProtoFlux during startup if the engine freezes for longer than 10 seconds
    • This is done to help diagnose/resolve issues reported by @ThomasSteve83, issue #1029
  • Improve backwards compatibility for Linux client by lowering minimum glibc version
  • Fix import dialog not being rotated at the user when pasting images from the clipboard (reported by @darbdarb, @Sox | Breaking Everything, @Charizmare, issue #1245)
  • Ensure that Resonite immediately crashes when it encounters OutOfMemory exception, to avoid misbehavior
    • E.g. this should avoid those exceptions from creating excessive logs (reported by endurofurry, Issue #602)