Beta 2024.3.12.1169

From Resonite Wiki

Beta 2024.3.12.1169 is a Resonite version released on 12/03/2024.

It is compatible with the previous build, Beta 2024.3.12.87.

The following notes were sent by Frooxius:

Hello everyone! Just a small build with some polish for the previous one and merging in some more fixes from Prime.
Compatible with previous, but update recommended!


  • Fixed headless crashing when non-builders pick builders who have equipped tools (fixed by @ProbablePrime, reported by @bredo, @BigRedWolfy, @Nytra via security ticket)
    • This fixes being able to equip already equipped tools
    • This fixes permission cleanup running on headless host throwing exception because they do not have head
    • This also fixes the permission system checking InteractionHandlers for users who don't own them


  • Fix ParticleBrush not assigning duplicated ParticleStyle reference when in "CloneComponent" mode (reported by @orange, issue #1480)
  • Fix brush tools throwing exceptions and generating large number of slots when the assigned ParticleSystem doesn't have an assigned Style (reported by @orange, issue #1481)
  • Fix crash when checking CanBeGrabbed on root slot (reported by @lill, issue #1478)
  • Fixed protected slots not having their parent properly assigned, resulting in being "null parented" (fixed by @ProbablePrime)
    • This fixes permission roles sometimes not existing if the user is not the host (reported by @Nytra, @code807, @Lux issue #473)
    • This fixes two UndoManagers being sometimes created in the world (reported by @Nytra, issue #490)