Beta 2024.5.1.68

From Resonite Wiki

Beta 2024.5.1.68 is a Resonite version released on 2024/05/01.

The following notes were sent by Frooxius:

Even more settings! Based on popular request, Resonite now has earmuff mode! This will help deal with busy worlds with lots of overlapping voices.
After motion blur, this has been the second most requested setting on our GitHub. Thanks to the new Setting UI & subsystems, it was quite easy to add!
This is the initial release, but I expect there might be some need for iteration, so give it a try in busy worlds and see how well it works! If you feel there's some things not working well or lacking, open an issue and we can do some tweaking!
The bug with some users being randomly very loud should also be fixed now!
There's also some new ProtoFlux nodes for 3D geometry computations with lines and cones as a bonus byproduct of the earmuff!

New Features:

  • Implement Earmuff mode which allows applying additional voice attenuation (requested by InconsolableCellist, @Kulza, MegaShinySnivy, @Delta, @DoubleStyx, @Furf, Punkyyyy, @Margaret Sizemore, @akiRAM, @epicEaston197, @Catboy Slim, @Hayden, @Jack, @Flame Soulis, @Waya | Consumer of Hands, @UltrawideGamer, issue #26)
    • This can be enabled in the settings under "Audio"
    • Currently this is modeled by a distance to the surface of a cone, which is projected from user's view. This effectively forms a "soft shape" wrapped around that cone within which the volumes will be at normal level
    • You can control the distance of the cone, angle, distance from the surface of the cone at which attenuation stats and the attenuation range
    • You can also configure attenuation volume outside the listening area. Setting this to 0 % will completely mute users outside
    • Users in broadcast are excluded
    • Please give this a test in busy worlds, experiment with the settings and see how it works. I expect some iteration on this on how it's parametrized and such, so if it doesn't work well in some situations, please make an issue!
  • Added ClosestPointOnLine node (under Math/Geometry 3D)
    • This gives point on a line defined by two points that's closest to a 3rd point
  • Added ClosestPointOnConeSurface node (under Math/Geometry 3D)
    • This finds a point on a surface of a cone that's closest to a 3rd point
    • It will also indicate if the point is inside the cone or not
  • Added DistanceFromCone node (under Math/Geometry 3D)
    • This computes shortest distance to a cone for an arbitrary 3D point
    • If the point is inside of the cone, distance will be 0


  • Do not allow setting resolutions that would result in a vertical aspect ratio, as this can make the UI unusable


  • Merged Russian locale update by @Shadow Panther [RU/EN, UTC+1/+2]
  • Merged Japanese locale update by @Aesc
  • Merged German locale update by @Muppeq


  • Compute avatar's voice output scale compensation continually to adjust to any potential changes in scale (based on report by @Duskitten, @ohzee, @Nutcake, issue #73)
    • This should fix some users being overly loud in some cases when they load into the world